
You know what you want to do but think about the potential outcomes if this upsets someone or causes issues with existing plans. Reflect on the effects of acting impulsively. You have the ability to make adjustments without this having to conflict with your current obligations. Your life has space for everything.

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You are exhausted by people exploiting your kindness. There is a need now to halt the manipulative actions of a senior colleague. If resolving the issue seems impossible, launching your own business could be a viable option. A coworker may be open to joining you in this entrepreneurial endeavour.

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You seem to be hitting one obstacle after another. You're no closer to a goal you have been pursuing than you were this time last week. Despite your persistent efforts, you feel unable to make any headway. This has been taking up far too much of your time. At this point you may need to redirect your attention towards financial affairs.

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Your sensitivity and adaptability serve as a welcome counterbalance to a friend or partner's erratic behaviour. Although you enjoy the thrill of being with a spontaneous partner, their unpredictable actions are starting to take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being.

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If you're looking for a job, talk to a former colleague who now works for an impressive company. Meet up with someone who has achieved success in their field. Their insights and recommendations will be invaluable. With luck, you might get to secure a position within their organisation. Your eagerness to move into a more lucrative sector is commendable.

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Building strong connections is equally as important as acquiring knowledge. Accept an invitation to a work gathering and use this opportunity to introduce yourself to the senior members in your company. If you aim to secure backing from a political party or a philanthropic organisation, seek a meeting with their leader.

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It's always tough dealing with tension in a close relationship. Normally, you're pretty easy-going when others disagree with you, but lately it feels like every word spoken has a hidden agenda. You're feeling emotionally on edge and it's a struggle to keep your cool.

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It shouldn't take you by surprise to receive a prestigious job offer following a recent interview, workshop or presentation. Your ability to communicate effectively leaves a lasting impression on others. You possess the skill to keep your audience interested and inspired. This is a great time to make a bold proposal.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A partnership could do with some attention. Conversely, if you're growing tired of a relationship and you can't really see it going anywhere, having an honest conversation might allow you to stay friends even after breaking up. You will much prefer it that way as you won't want any bitterness to come between you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You respect a friend or colleague for their versatility but their unpredictability is starting to get you down. Take control and refuse to let an impulsive partner push you where you don't want to go. Are you single? Embrace your freedom. Stop looking for someone to fulfil you. You are already whole just as you are.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Revamping an institution can pose challenges. This suggests a need for careful consideration of potential constraints. Rather than considering a total overhaul, introduce incremental changes. Begin by systematically addressing disruptive and unpredictable people within the organisation.

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It is advisable to exercise patience in all your interactions and refrain from hasty decisions. Circumstances at work are quite challenging and demanding. Avoid any involvement in activities that include lending or borrowing money from friends. Even the friendliest of competition could result in tension.

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