
You've got lofty ideas and exciting plans, but they may not sit well with your friends and colleagues. Before you skip off on some grand adventure, take the time to validate and appreciate the people around you. Otherwise, they'll think you're trying to escape them, when you're really seeking personal enlightenment. Make sure you can bolster these relationships before a long journey, or you'll have a very lonely return.

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Indulging a child could have disastrous results; avoid trouble by enforcing the rules. You don't have to be intimidating to assert your authority. It's a matter of making sure there are consequences for both good and bad behaviour. The more consistent you are, the more respect you'll receive. This also goes for romantic partners. Don't let a lover take advantage of your good nature. Set a high standard for the way you should be treated.

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You're so wrapped up in your own affairs you forget other people have problems, too. This attitude can severely damage a relationship. It's time to change your tune, even if it means giving up some of the luxuries to which you've become accustomed. Putting yourself at a disadvantage in order to pamper your lover will put the passion back into your relationship. Demonstrate that their needs come first now.

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It isn't possible to express your true feelings to relatives, which makes you emotionally exhausted. You're tired of going along with this stupid charade. Fortunately, you can confide your frustrations to a romantic partner. Sharing this secret will give your partnership a sense of intimacy that is positively intoxicating. If you're not in a relationship, you could find yourself being strongly attracted to an irreverent colleague. Keep any trysts under wraps for now.

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Your sex appeal is at an all-time high, but beware of your exploits getting in the way of responsibilities. The first order of business should be increasing your income, especially if you're out of work. Finding a job that seems more like play than work may not be possible now. You need to set your sights on a position that allows you to pay off debts as quickly as possible. This sacrifice will be temporary.

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You're not in the mood to attend domestic responsibilities, preferring to have fun. Unfortunately, your attitude is starting to affect your work. Until you create an orderly and harmonious living situation, you will always feel frazzled and disoriented. Your nervous energy will affect colleagues in a negative way, giving them the impression you can't handle serious tasks. Take a few hours to clean up your household, as well as your act.

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Agreeing with everyone will have a negative impact on your reputation. You've got to define your principles if anyone is going to have respect for you. In this day and age, it can be difficult to profess your spiritual beliefs, for fear of seeming impractical or muddle-headed. Fortunately, you'll encounter several fellow believers today. A romance could even ensue as a result of an enlightening conversation. Say what's in your heart and mind.

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You're more determined than ever to accumulate power and wealth. Part of your plan may involve seducing a romantic interest who will further your aims. Beware of embarking on a relationship for such cynical purposes, or your motives will be discovered. You can't afford to jeopardise your reputation in this way. The secret to your success will be in running a profitable business from home. The more self-sufficient you are, the better.

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Rather than trying to please others all the time, make a few demands of your own. You've been blessed with a generous heart, but it can sometimes prevent you from receiving all the bounty you deserve. Make a list of twenty things you desire from both your career and your partner, and then ask for them. Otherwise, your needs will continue to be overlooked, and you'll be left out in the cold.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Keep financial dealings a secret, as the element of surprise is imperative to your success. Resist the urge to overindulge in food and drink, or you'll rob yourself of valuable energy. You'll have to be disciplined if you're going to attract all of the educational and travel opportunities necessary to move forward. If your focus begins to dissipate, retreat to a private corner and envision your ideal future. This will keep you on track.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're imaginative, artistic, and intuitive, especially when working as part of a team. Resist the urge to take the independent route, as this will prevent you from getting valuable feedback. Children and lovers may resent your preoccupation with work, but that can't be helped. It's more important to take care of business than indulge in fun and games. Unless you fight your baser instincts, a valuable opportunity will be lost.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're fully focused on career matters, which upsets lovers and relatives. Your nearest and dearest are afraid they'll become less important if you realise your professional dreams. Exercise compassion towards your loved ones, but continue down the path of success. Otherwise, you'll always regret having sacrificed personal fulfilment for other people's feelings. You've got to be self-interested, even if it means spending less time at home. Follow your star.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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