
If you're going to get your agenda met, it is necessary to make some concessions. It's time to approach rivals who have been blocking your path. By conceding their power, you'll open the door to healthier relationships. Until now, you've been lucky to go your own way. That's no longer possible. Big projects require teamwork. Put your stubborn pride aside. Don't worry. You will be treated graciously. Let this be a lesson about building alliances. Grudges are ugly things.

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Arguments over joint finances will erupt. You're tired of spending your hard-earned cash to cover someone else's debts. If you're dealing with an irresponsible romantic partner, it's time to keep separate accounts. Don't co-sign a loan for your loved one, since you'll be held responsible if they fail to repay it. The same principle holds true for an adult child. Paying their way will put a great strain on your relationship. Forcing them to get a job will build their self-esteem.

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You're being pushed around by aggressive people who don't want competition. It will be difficult to thrive in this hostile environment. Think about moving on to greener pastures. Although you enjoy a challenge, you loathe abuse. A career opportunity in a creative field will become available. You should apply for this job, even if it seems beyond your capability. You'll make such a good impression on the job interview that you'll be awarded the position. Take control of your destiny.

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Working without recognition has been tiresome. You will have to perform a few more tasks before moving on to greener pastures. Be good to yourself throughout this time of trial. Order your favourite takeaway, buy a new outfit and take in a museum exhibit. Indulging in sensual pleasures will keep your spirits high. Once you reach the finish line, you'll feel inspired instead of depleted. When others aren't being supportive, you must be your own best friend.

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Burning the candle at both ends will lead to exhaustion. You must slow down or your health will suffer. Resist the temptation to attend every party and get together. Spending a series of quiet nights at home will restore your energy. It will also change your perspective. Lately, you've been preoccupied with impressing others. Rather than obsessing over your appearance, you'll turn your attention inward. Devoting more time to artistic pursuits will be a welcome change. Your restless energy will be replaced by contentment.

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Hidden resentments are coming to the surface. You're tired of being forced to work hard with no reward. If there's no room to advance at your current employer, look for a job at a rival company. Be open to relocating to a more prosperous part of the world. You'll enjoy the challenge of adjusting to a new place. The Universe has ways of pushing us to make changes. You've outgrown your present circumstances. That's a blessing, not a curse.

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It's important to keep up with the times. Take a course to acquire the latest skills. Becoming adept in a popular software programme or learning to write code will be helpful. Instead of struggling to keep up with the pack, you'll have your choice of lucrative positions. Instead of dipping into savings to finance these lessons, ask your boss to foot the bill. Getting paid to advance your education will increase your resolve to be the best in your class.

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You feel jealous of others who are earning more money. 'All that glisters is not gold'. People who are flush with cash may be deeply in debt. It's possible they lay awake at night, worrying about paying their bills. If you want to increase your income, you're certainly capable of doing so. Pursuing a more lucrative line of work is possible. You've been blessed with a deep curiosity for life. Developing a passion for an emerging industry will be easy. It's simply a matter of doing some research.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your blunt approach can be alienating. Although it sometimes helps you cut out the red tape, it can also cultivate enemies. If you want to promote an agenda, go gently. Approach potential investors in a friendly way. Learn about their likes and dislikes. Take an interest in their families. Let them know what makes you tick. After you've established some friendships, you can broach the subject of business. It's easy to get funding when people feel they really know you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's fine to have lofty dreams, but you must have a practical plan to realise them. Resist the temptation to build castles in the air when you could be working. Set a series of manageable deadlines. One step will quickly follow another. Before you know it, you'll have achieved everything you desired. Colleagues may be jealous of your progress. That's because they haven't seen all the thought and hard work that went into this enterprise. You make challenges look effortless.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It is taking longer to reach a goal than you expected. Don't give up. Slowing your pace can be therapeutic. Working around the clock can take a toll on your health. Beware of eating fast food, staying up all hours and sitting behind a desk all day. Giving your body the nourishment, rest and activity it needs will lift your spirits. Suddenly, the tasks that remain before you won't seem insurmountable. You'll be able to finish them with relative ease.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's more important to meet your own needs than win your family's approval. If you're being pressured to pursue an undesirable line of work, dig in your heels. Pour your energy into landing a job that fills you with excitement. Opportunities involving publishing, travel or higher education may be especially appealing. You need a career that involves lots of intellectual stimulation. Performing the same tasks day after day has no appeal to you. Listen to your heart; opt for adventure over predictability.

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