
You can't expect other people to pick up all the clues you're giving out about your feelings and sentiments. Sometimes it's best to tell others what you think about different matters especially matters of the heart! If you're confused, uncertain or hesitant about anything discuss your feelings or discontent with those who are close to you. Their observations might help you understand yourself better and see ways to improve your communications.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You will be the first to admit you forgive far too easily and because of this a certain person is taking advantage. It isn't because you can't stand up for yourself or that you're trying to prove something to others. Your willingness to overlook a friend's awkward behaviour has a lot to do with how much you care for them and your reluctance to make them feel even more inept. The question is: are you making life too easy for them by doing this?

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Don't give up on something you feel you can't fix, persevere and find a satisfactory conclusion. If you're having too much trouble getting your head around a problem, leave it for a wee while then come back to it refreshed later. You might be able to face it better. There are issues in your life which can't be rushed; take them one day at a time but stick with it. Someone close is relying on your support.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Creative inspiration surrounds you today; you feel inspired by new friendships and new experiences. When a stranger stops to help you or someone else in need, their compassion renews your faith in human nature. You will be inspired to give your best if you're in an interview or test situation. You respond to anything asked of you with confidence. It will be random acts of kindness that touch your heart today.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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The grass beyond your own fence looks decidedly greener than your own; you crave something new and exciting now. If you can't do anything to enhance your world and colour your grass to your own shade of green it won't be long before you start thinking of moving to somewhere new. You can trust your assessment of others towards the end of the day; first impressions will turn out to be good.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Some secret problems come to light and at first you might feel at a loss as to how to deal with them. If someone hasn't been honest with you about their past, you could have a lot of explaining and sorting out to do. It may be you didn't do enough research before trusting them with a job or information. Your future success could depend on how you handle this situation today.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Your thoughts turn to people you've not seen for a while and happy memories keep springing to mind. You might wonder how someone is doing but too many miles separate you or you've been too long apart to get in touch. It might not be out of the question to send an email or put pen to paper and send them an old fashioned letter! Rather than ignore a desire to get in touch with an old friend or relative, go with what's in your heart.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Friendships develop in strange and exciting ways. Contact with a cyber buddy now seems more than a mere exchange of emails; you're learning more about their life, culture and experiences. You might especially enjoy continuing friendships with people in other countries through the internet. You might feel as if you know them so much better than some of your friends at home but don't put your full trust in someone you don't really know.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Do you consider your own priorities or do you put your partner and family first? It will all depend on the situation but you might feel as if you've got to put the needs of others before your own. A loved one's recent strange behaviour is beginning to make sense. If you could just get them to open up to you a bit more you might find a way to help them. Relationships never seem that simple!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's not your job to tackle a friend or workmate's problems; don't let them drag you into a situation you'd rather avoid. Life holds no guarantee. You can't allow another person to make you feel guilty and as if something that has gone wrong in their life is your fault. It might seem as if someone has taken complete leave of their senses the way they're laying all the responsibility on you. The best thing you can do is leave them to sort out their own mess.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Getting over a recent disappointment might be harder than you think; it's affecting you more deeply than you admit. You're impatient with yourself and your inability to move on with your life with this hanging over you. A family relationship has deteriorated to an extent where you wonder whether you will ever be able to patch up your differences. Where there's a will, you will find a way. Just be sure to admit to your mistakes and do your best to fix them!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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There's nothing plausible in what a salesperson is telling you; whatever they're selling, don't buy into it. You might be keen to better your position in life and you won't do this by making foolish decisions. A senior colleague will look favourably upon your insistence to stay practical and avoid risky situations. Single? A colleague is about to introduce you to someone whose quiet personality is attractive.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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