
A sense of purpose will be governing you; take the chance to lay the foundations for personal plans. You want to see results now and are no longer content leaving ideas hanging in space. Be prepared to wait a wee while longer before revealing what you have in mind to the world. You could do with support to get a venture underway and you will sense when the time is right to bring plans out into the open.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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It's one of those rare and special days when you can please yourself, go where you want to go and do what you want to do. A partner will join in happily so the world is yours. Your personality shines almost visibly and your ability to impress is on the rise. An aura of indulgence suggests an idle but highly relaxing and enjoyable time with a passionate encounter being your only exercise!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A friend or partner sticks to you like glue; you feel stifled by their behaviour. Something is making them feel insecure even though you can't imagine they have anything to worry about. Really they don't need to bare their soul for you to figure out why this relationship's starting to deteriorate. You want more freedom while they think this is a sign you're about to leave them. A little reassurance wouldn't go amiss!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Time helps build trust in a relationship; all relationships need trust to survive the long term. It's up to you whether you want to give a new friendship a chance. If you don't feel their behaviour is honest or trustworthy and you are suspicious now, admit it: this isn't a very good start. Your intuition has served you well in the past and it won't let you down today. If someone's asked for a second chance, trust your heart to give the answer.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Any change in behaviour in someone needs to be watched. Pretending you haven't noticed will be like burying your head in the sand. Frustration or upset could be causing their temper to flare. If it seems like they're over reacting and little upsets cause a lot of anger, something is eating away at them. They could probably do with a quiet talk and some sensible advice. Strained relationships will heal by discussing the issues.

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Choose your company with care if you're feeling sensitive or emotionally vulnerable. You might put on a brave face and keep smiling when you're with a small group of people who always make you feel intimidated. Eventually everything you're keeping bottled up inside will find an outlet. Feeling upset, angry or vulnerable is a signal to yourself that you aren't in a good place to mix with others today.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A friendship or love relationship involves a changing and sharing of views, life and activities. Compromise is necessary for harmony; harmony is necessary for your peace of mind. It might seem as if some people just don't understand how to maintain long term commitments any more. If you're frustrated with one sided friendships take a step back and leave it to others to do the planning, spending and giving for a change.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Any consideration shown to you by a boss or senior colleague should be appreciated without suspicion. If they're making time to encourage your skills or talents, the least you can do is to welcome their help. An unusual conversation with a workmate will reveal a spark that could ignite a fabulous relationship. If you're in a new romance and suspect your partner is leading you on, give them the benefit of the doubt for the time being.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Bear in mind there are at least three sides to every story: one side, the other side and the truth! What makes it even more confusing is that you're trying to deal with a situation where each person is interpreting the facts very differently but no one is lying. Each individual perception of events is slightly different and it will be your job to try to shed light on what is really going on. No one will be surprised when you ask for time to consider it all.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You aren't the only one with issues to work through; a friend is tormented with family and other problems. You sense this could have been an amazing relationship if only other people didn't get in the way. Finding convenient times to meet up seems impossible when one or both of you have commitments that keep you from seeing each other. Dreams of the perfect romance rapidly fizzle when you can't even maintain a steady friendship.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Getting a person to open up will be tricky. You want answers and you can hear them saying 'No' before they've even said it! What you think is fair in a group situation could be completely different to what another person is thinking. This is why they've decided it isn't worth arguing. They need to feel you're interested in what they have to say and you'll listen with an open mind. This kind of reassurance will make all the difference in future communications.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It may be a shock to discover your partner's not being as up front and honest as they should be. You're stuck with the dilemma of having to explain how insecure this makes you feel or to accept it as part of modern life. After all, is it your place to choose their friends or check out their communications? This takes a lot of the magical feeling out of being in an exclusive relationship. Instigate a heart to heart to discuss touchy topics.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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