
This isn't a good time to sign a contract, especially involving your career. Limiting aspects of this agreement won't seem like a big deal now, but they will start to weigh on you. It's better to negotiate a better deal, even if it creates conflict. Resist the temptation to commit emotional blackmail. This will just make loved ones resentful. Give them space to make their own decisions. Respect their choices. A compromise is possible, but only if you are kind.

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It's hard to trust someone from another culture or country. They do business in a different way. Rather than ignoring your misgivings, obey them. Events will soon unfold that make you breathe a sigh of relief. Your intuition is your best guide. People aren't being very sympathetic to your situation, which is upsetting. Resist the temptation to act like a martyr. Be your own best friend instead. When you treat yourself well, everyone else will follow suit. Take time for yourself and indulge your love of creature comforts.

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A change to your insurance policy makes you upset. If the rate has soared, you might have to look for coverage elsewhere. Alternatively, this situation could inspire you to find a more lucrative job. There is a silver lining to every situation, including this one. It feels like you've been cut out of a group. Be content to follow your own path. You'll soon be glad you escaped this organisation, which is filled with bullies. There are better ways to promote your agenda.

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A family member doesn't approve of your romantic partner. That's unfortunate, but it shouldn't change your feelings. Make it clear that your loyalty is to your amour. This will set an important precedent. Trying to gain other people's approval is an exercise in futility. It will be difficult to persuade your boss to try something new. Rather than wasting your energy on arguing, do things their way. Soon, everybody will realise your proposal is far better. At that point, you'll get a chance to shine.

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You're worried about the health of a relative. No matter how much you urge this family member to adopt better eating and fitness habits, you won't change their mind. Therefore, you should focus on making yourself feel better, spending more time researching sports and hobbies. People are suspicious of a newcomer to a forum whose background is different from theirs. Do your best to welcome this outsider into the fold. Eventually, other members of the group will realise they are being biased and stupid.

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Have you been covering expenses for an adult child? It's time to put an end to this practice. The sooner your relative supports themselves, the better your relationship will be. Practicing tough love isn't easy, but it's better than feeling victimised. You're having difficulty cultivating intimacy with your amour. Rather than putting so much emphasis on your physical connection, show an interest in their hopes, fears and dreams. This will break down the barriers between you. Be patient and encouraging.

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This isn't a good time to purchase or rent property. You'll soon be disenchanted with the place you've chosen. Keep looking for an environment that fits all your needs. This is one of those situations where it's better to be demanding than yielding. Expecting someone else always to carry out certain duties is putting strain on your relationship. Come up with a fall-back option that takes the pressure off your friend. They'll be grateful and your bond will become healthier as a result.

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Don't panic if business is slacking off. Boom times always follow lean ones. Let this be the inspiration to take a different approach to customers, clients or patients. They're looking for something different. By offering a fresh product or service, your income will rise. Nervousness is creating health problems. Relaxation techniques will restore your body's natural balance. You have more control over your reactions to life than you realise so explore your options.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Wait another week or two before buying an expensive luxury item. This merchandise will soon go on sale, allowing you to purchase it for a fraction of its current price. There's nothing you love more than getting a deep discount. A childish temper tantrum will drive people from your door. When things don't go your way, take a few deep breaths. Realise this is a delay, rather than a lost opportunity. Everything is unfolding at the perfect time. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's difficult to control your temper. Despite preparing carefully for a big change to your living situation, someone will fail to keep their promise. As a result, the entire deal will fall through. Try not to panic. This is a blessing in disguise. Angry feelings can be effectively channelled into exercise. Working out and relaxation will help you release anxiety that has built up in your body. When you become nervous, stop what you're doing and go outside if you can. You'll feel better immediately.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're being faced with an important decision. Double check the information you've been given about a business investment or romantic proposition. After doing your own research, you'll realise things are not what they seem. Stay away from someone who has been deceiving you. Harsh criticism is no reason to quit what you're doing. Often, people who have strong reactions to work are jealous. Give yourself credit for being adventurous and try again. You will soon hit the target; it's just a matter of being patient.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't feel pressured to attend an expensive social gathering. Just because all your friends are planning to attend this end of year event doesn't mean you should. Save your money for something that will be more pleasurable, like a beautiful work of art or a relaxing holiday. Money is tight, but that's no reason to despair. Spend a few minutes each day imagining yourself living in the lap of luxury. By cultivating a prosperity consciousness, you'll attract the abundance you crave.

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