
You're determined to get what you want. The direct approach always works best for you. Being diplomatic just wastes valuable time. People are receptive to your forthright manner. It's a good time to embark on business and romantic relationships. If you're not happy with a current arrangement, it's time to renegotiate. Don't feel pressured to meet people in the middle. You're in a power position. Use your influence to advance your agenda, even at the risk of appearing selfish.

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Having a private pursuit that has nothing to do with work will be liberating. Spend an hour or two each day on an uplifting hobby. Don't tell anybody how you are spending this time. The last thing you want is to fall victim to a jealous person's guilt trip. Whether you're learning to bake, planning a garden or throwing pottery, it is important to find a creative outlet. You've been blessed with tremendous artistic talent. Put it to work instead of laying it to waste.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Joining a group will be stimulating. You'll enjoy the company of people who aren't intent on fitting in with the crowd. With their encouragement, you'll be inspired to pursue a lifelong goal. Cultivating a lifestyle that allows more freedom is a worthy ambition. If that means leaving a conventional job or downsizing your lifestyle, go for it. Being able to regularly travel, study and write will fill you with joy. Soon you will feel refreshed and renewed. You'll look like you've been to a luxury spa.

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Step into the spotlight. Your brilliant ideas deserve to be broadcast. Some people won't understand your unconventional proposals, but many will embrace them. If you have recently applied for a job, you'll get the green light. Taking the helm of an innovative company or department will fill you with excitement. Instead of imposing a lot of boring rules and regulations, you'll encourage the team to work in ways they find productive. If this cultivates an offbeat environment, so be it.

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Your positive energy is causing doors to fly open. The opportunity to travel will appear suddenly. Be ready to jump on a bus, train or plane at a moment's notice. Getting a change of scenery will stimulate your creativity. It will also enhance your personal charisma. If you're single, you'll attract admirers wherever you go. Feel free to pursue a suitor with an alluring accent. Are you in a relationship? Take your partner along for the ride. You'll have a loving and memorable experience.

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Joint finances will be a source of controversy. You don't approve of your partner's attitude towards money and they don't appreciate your methods. Going to a financial counsellor will be beneficial. Problems involving economics are rooted in power. Having an objective third party to referee arguments will pave the way for productive solutions. Simply criticising each other will weaken a bond that should uplift and support you. If your other half is unwilling to address the problem in a healthy way, a temporary separation may be appropriate.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Teaming up with a courageous person will only benefit you. Some people in your social circle are distrustful of a brash person who is always elbowing their way to the front of the queue. Although their methods are crude, they are effective. You would be wise to adopt some of their behaviour. When someone contradicts you, keep pressing your point. If your boss tries waving you away, stand firm. A romantic partner who attempts to dismiss your concerns should be brought back to the point.

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You're determined to finish a work project in record time. Pouring all your energy into this professional matter can lead to burn out. Make time in your busy schedule for exercise. Taking a brisk walk at lunch will refresh and revive you. Going for a leisurely stroll after hours will be therapeutic. Ideas flow freely when your body is limber. Are you recovering from an illness? Resist the temptation to resume a demanding schedule. Wade back into the flow of life, rather than barrelling into it.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It doesn't matter what is happening at work; you are determined to have fun. Taking a holiday during the busy season won't win favour with your employer, but you don't care. Life is short and you mean to fill it with fun. Heading to an ultra-modern city will be fun. You'll enjoy experiencing the latest trends in restaurants, commerce, art and culture. If you're single, you'll meet a fellow adventurer on this trip. Following a wild impulse will pay off handsomely.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You want the best for your family. Your nearest and dearest have different goals. Be considerate of their feelings. If a relative wants to pursue a challenging career path, offer support. You don't have to pay their rent, but it would help to give encouragement. An irresponsible person could change their ways once you stop mocking their dreams. A hard-working individual might impress you with their determination, promoting you to cover their tuition. All relationships will improve once you stop imposing your will onto others.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You need answers to move ahead. If someone has been avoiding your phone calls and emails, increase the urgency. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Make yourself such a nuisance that it becomes impossible to ignore your demands. Some people will roll their eyes at your antics. Don't worry about getting their approval. Being polite and deferential will result in a missed opportunity. Keep pressing your point, even if it means contacting the press, making a complaint or filing an official report.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Be assertive about earning more money. Demand a raise, increase your rates or apply for a more lucrative job. When you are paid what your worth, your confidence soars. It becomes easier to advance your creative and romantic goals. Are you shy about discussing money? Pattern your behaviour after a confident colleague who commands a generous salary. You're just as capable and gifted as this superstar. It's simply a matter of commanding respect. Hold your head high and conduct yourself like royalty.

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