
Your red-hot brain is full of ideas, people with global experience will support you to the hilt. Someone aloof and mysterious catches your eye, but they may be all style, no substance. You should know better than to pursue prickly types. You need is a partner with oodles of nurturing instincts. If you're already in a relationship, ask your mate for a cootch and smooch. Intimate contact is key to your happiness.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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A career move can be made by talking to the right people and catching sight of an ad's page. Chatting with a relative could stir up some old resentments. You are licensed to feel angry, so go ahead and vent. If you're not able to confront the source of your pain, write a letter to this person. This is a very cathartic exercise, especially if you burn the letter after reading it aloud.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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The only way you'll get things done is for the mountain to go to Mohammed, so off you trot. Your mind is a powerful aphrodisiac right now; let your imagination run wild in the boudoir. Never fear if you don't have a partner. You can always find one at a swinging singles scene. One word from you will turn your victim to butter. Better yet, let your suitors come to you. You'll have the pick of the litter.

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Financial fortune favours the brave Crab, so if you want it you'd better turn your hand to it now. If your cash situation isn't providing you with the lifestyle you always wanted, make some changes. Your dearest wish is to feel secure. For instance if you don't have the place you've always wanted, consult an accountant or broker. They can suggest savings strategies that will turn a dream into reality.

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Mercury and Mars helps you to strike out and wow everyone with your immediacy and creativity, go to it. You express yourself with clarity and force, making it impossible for critics to argue. Although your performance takes you far, it may create resentment. Instead of trying to make friends with your rivals, let them come to you. Otherwise, you will waste valuable time and energy on folks who don't deserve it.

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Your ruler Mercury is in fine form giving you a chance to shrug off doubts and fears forever more. Someone who has always given you grief in the past suddenly offers help. Be very wary of this person, as they have ulterior motives. Perhaps they realise it's not good to neglect duties whilst you're busy working away. In any case, keep doing what you're doing and let this opportunist hang out to dry.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Get stuck into anything that you aspire to, think of life like a Rugby Scrum and you're top scorer! Doing the bare minimum is more than enough today, so stop worrying. You want to be all things to all people, and that's simply not possible. Focus on putting an awkward newcomer at ease. Your tact and diplomacy make a great impression on the powers-that-be. Keep up the good work.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Don't play the shrinking violet equally don't be a shrieking one either, just do enough to make your presence felt. At last you're given the opportunity to show off your talents. You're especially good at uncovering facts and figures for the powers-that-be. If you're displeased with your present responsibilities, seek an occupation that allows you to do research. You're a born detective. Track down that plum job!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You'll never get what you want unless you ask, so isn't it time to push yourself forward? Going on an extended trip gives you the chance to put some theories to the test. You've always been fascinated with human nature. Certain assumptions you've always held could be shattered on a journey. This comes as a very pleasant surprise. Strangers surpass your expectations when you give them the benefit of the doubt.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You mustn't assume what people tell you is the end of a story, delve deeper into a money matter. You do an awful lot of complaining about your boss, but are you any kinder toward yourself? Give yourself a break, even if it means abandoning some personal responsibilities. There's no reason to run yourself into the ground, especially when you produce nearly twice the work of your colleagues.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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For a partnership to succeed you must be of a like mind, no mental rapport? Then love will stagnate. Your ability to relate to people from different walks of life serves you well. Team up with an artistic or athletic friend who approaches work from an intuitive level. Your separate strengths combine to form a powerful team. This is an unusual venture for you, because you normally prefer working independently. Expand your horizons.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A health hassle should be confronted, don't assume you have all the answers when you really don't. Although debating has never been your strong suit, you're particularly quick with the comebacks today. Someone who has never given you a second glance could follow you like a lovelorn puppy today. Think twice about getting involved with this character. Anybody who is turned on by insults isn't worth your time.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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