
It may be impossible to satisfy another person's needs. Instead of doubling your efforts, turn your attention to more rewarding pursuits. This will make it clear you will not be anyone's doormat. Some people enjoy making others scurry to do their bidding. You won't tolerate such obnoxious behaviour. If you've found some discrepancies with a joint financial account, divert your share of the money a private bank fund. You're too smart to become the victim of an inconsiderate spendthrift.

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You'll have to fulfil a loved one's responsibilities, which won't be easy. It is important to rise to the challenge. In the past, others have come to your rescue. Treat this situation as an opportunity to keep the good karma flowing. An overly emotional relative will try your patience. Turn a deaf ear to their dramatic claims. Some people try to stir up trouble as a means of getting attention. The best way to deflate these troublemakers is to stay calm in the face of their accusations.

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Don't neglect your health for the sake of work. Although some tight deadlines are looming, you should make time for light exercise. Eating nutritious meals and getting enough sleep are other measures that are critical to your success. It won't be possible to achieve the results you want if you're tired, irritable and nervous. Pattern your behaviour after a calm neighbour who refuses to get flustered in the face of emergency. You, too, can achieve this poise, as long as you treat your body well.

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You'll have to scale back personal plans for the sake of money. Although it's disappointing to have to cancel an outing, it's the only way to contain expenses. Fortunately, you can have plenty of fun without spending lots of cash. Simple pleasures like renting movies, playing board games and taking leisurely walks will lift your spirits. If you've been suffering from a creative block, don't panic. Inspiration will arrive when you're busy doing mundane work like cleaning or cooking.

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Being too stern with your family will backfire. Attaining an orderly household will require patience and compassion. Yelling and issuing punishments will just garner resentment. You may want to try a system of rewards instead. Every time you see progress towards a goal, praise it. Your relatives will respond well to positive feedback. Do you live alone? Think about hiring someone to do the heavy cleaning. It will be wonderful to come home to surroundings that invite you to sit down and relax.

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You're tired of being the one on whom everyone relies for help. Be ready to refuse when someone asks you to serve on another committee. You already have enough on your plate. Some people will accuse you of being selfish, but that's only because they don't want to do the work you normally perform. You have a right to leisure time. Solitary activities like reading, hobbies or visiting a scenic setting will be good for you. Stay away from people who drain your energy and try your patience.

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You are doing a lot of work, but the results aren't very impressive. It may be time to seek more lucrative opportunities. A steady job that doesn't give much creative fulfilment is worth taking. You can always exercise your imagination in your free time. You'll breathe a sigh of relief when you have more money to indulge your love of luxury. Resist the urge to buy status symbols that have no personal meaning. Save your income for the beautiful clothes and artwork that speak to your soul.

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Bearing down hard on fellow workers will bring a bad result. Try to lighten up. Just because someone laughs and has fun does not mean they are unproductive. Everybody has different work styles. Judge individuals on what they produce, not how they behave. Some of the most offbeat staff members are among the most talented. The sooner you learn to embrace individual quirks, the happier you will be. Collaborating will become a labour of love, instead of a dreaded chore.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Facing your demons will be difficult. A failed relationship has been weighing on your heart. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean you are doomed to be alone. You've learned a lot and will benefit from your experience. When you feel threatened, you have a tendency to get sarcastic. You laugh off problems so people won't realise you are afraid. Instead of reverting to this defence mechanism, be honest about your fears. Be receptive to comforting words and kind gestures.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your long term goals are starting to evolve and change. It's becoming clear you should change direction. Friends and family may be pressurising you to stick to a certain path, but you're no longer satisfied with the journey. Summon up your courage and do something new. Cultivating your creative side can be very rewarding. The important thing is to engage your talent for combining textures, colours, flavours, scents and sounds in a pleasing way.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Security is more important than you pretend. For such a rebellious person, you want to know when your next paycheque will arrive. Don't let this desire for steady income prompt you to keep a job that makes you miserable. It's better for you to pursue a position that makes you feel wanted and appreciated. Working for a non-profit institution could be very rewarding. You'll hit it off with a warm, giving employer who is overwhelmed with responsibility. Your organisational skills will be greatly prized.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You want some direction, but nobody is willing to give it. Rely on your intuition when navigating through unfamiliar territory. If you make a mistake, someone will try to make you feel ridiculous. Don't take the bait. Always remember nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. Keeping a dignified silence while someone berates you will attract admirers. People appreciate your ability to maintain grace under fire. You might even get an exciting job offer.

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