
Anger management is critical. Someone who has been wearing on your nerves will say something that throws you into a rage. Lashing out will make you look unreasonable. It could also get you in trouble with the authorities. You have to find a healthier outlet for your emotions. Brisk exercise can have a calming influence. Go to the gym or join a sports team. Tension gets stored in the tissues of your body. Physical activity will bring a welcome release. It will also make you more optimistic.

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Stirring the pot will create great resentment. Keep silent when listening to a heated argument. Adding your two cents will make people even angrier. You'd love nothing more than heap scathing remarks on an enemy. If you do this, your own reputation will be undermined. Remember the spirit of the festive season and promote peace. This will feel counterintuitive, but sometimes it's best to ignore your instincts. Strive for the higher ground and don't be dragged down by a desire for revenge.

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You feel an overwhelming urge to destroy disappointing work. Resist this temptation. There are many good things that can be salvaged. Take some time away from this venture and turn your focus to mundane chores. Once you finish your duties, you'll have a radically different perspective. When you return to your project, you'll see there was a method to your madness. There may not be money available to begin again. Schedule this venture for a more prosperous time.

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You're very dangerous when crossed. If you discover someone has been disloyal, remain calm. Destroying their property will get you in trouble with the authorities. It's better to let their behaviour speak for itself. Very few people will want to do business with someone so treacherous. It's possible you'll be asked for an apology. Don't feel pressured to accept lame excuses. The sooner you get out of this deceiver's orbit, the faster you will be out of danger.

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It's tempting to rub someone's nose in their mistakes. You've repeatedly warned them about taking shortcuts and now they're answering for their irresponsible behaviour. Gloating over their failure will make you look petty and mean. Maintain a tactful silence instead. If a nasty colleague tries to get you to say something nasty about your colleague, don't take the bait. The last thing needed is to pour fuel on this smouldering fire. Try to make the best of this terrible situation.

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Failing to assume responsibility for your actions will damage your relationships. If someone criticises your behaviour, resist the temptation to say you did your best. Instead, listen carefully and acknowledge your mistakes. Vow to do better and back up your words with actions. These days, insincere apologies are a dime a dozen. Healing can only begin when individuals own up to their shortcomings, ask forgiveness and strive for improvement. It may take time to regain a loved one's trust.

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Giving up at the first sign of trouble will cause people to lose faith in you. If you're going to be successful, you have to be willing to make sacrifices. There's a chance you'll fail a few times before achieving prominence. That's better than never trying at all. Bitter people are those who took the easy way out. Instead of joining their ranks, keep pressing forward. Friends and family will offer moral support when your resolve falters. It will take longer than expected to reach your goal. Be patient.

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It's important to learn from your past mistakes. If you have lofty goals, think how you can achieve them practically. This may mean buying less expensive materials, lengthening the deadline or lowering your standards. A prominent backer could step forward after seeing a stripped down prototype. Pattern your behaviour after someone who has an impressive track record. Accomplished people know how to fly high without getting their wings scorched by the Sun.

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Pushing yourself past the breaking point will be cause for regret. In the past, you were able to snap back from demanding projects. That's not the case now, when your emotional reserves are low. Do the bare minimum. If anyone dares complain, defend yourself with a long list of accomplishments. Recently, you've been doing the work of three people. Maintaining this momentum will be impossible. It's time for your colleagues, friends and relatives to pick up the slack.

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Putting up a fight just for the sake of challenging authority is a waste of energy. Sometimes it's best to go with the flow, if only to maintain your sanity. An exciting project is coming your way. You'll want to fully focus on this worthy goal. If that means carrying out a silly set of instructions, so be it. Coping with a supervisor who is out of their depth might also be necessary. When you find yourself getting upset, return to the source of your joy.

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If you wait too long to make a decision, you'll miss the boat altogether. When in doubt, flip a coin. Once you choose a path, you'll feel empowered. Instead of taking cues from others, you'll set the agenda. Your forthright behaviour will be especially effective in romance. Someone who admires your bravery will try to win your heart. This could be the beginning of a passionate love affair. You're well suited, sharing many interests. Loaning each other books will be a good start to your relationship.

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Running at the first sign of trouble will create setbacks. If you are going to fulfil your potential, it's important to challenge a bully. You're too talented to be suppressed by someone who feels threatened. Confronting your tormentor in a public place will cause them to shrivel up like a salted snail. People who enjoy intimidating others are terrified of having their methods exposed. This lesson will serve you well in virtually every area of life. Learn how to defend yourself.

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