
You go through tasks like a hot knife through butter. Colleagues will be unsettled by your quick thinking and rapid decision making. You make difficult assignments look simple. This is a threat to their job security. There's nothing you can do to appease their fear, but you can be friendly to everyone. You never know when you'll need a person's assistance later down the line. Besides, even if you're very competitive, you detest a hostile environment.

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Playing sports makes you feel youthful and alive. If you had trouble on the field as a youngster, don't worry. You won't experience the same pressure now you're an adult. Finding a group of people who just want to get outdoors and have fun should be easy. Just head for the local park, gym or track. You're especially good at games that require strategy as well as physical prowess. Don't be surprised if you strike up a romance with an admiring onlooker.

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You do everything in your power to protect your family. Someone close to you who has been having difficulty finding work could use a letter of recommendation from you. While you are confident about their abilities, you still need reassurance they won't embarrass you. Explain how your reputation is on the line before putting in a good word. If you get the feeling they are too rebellious for the job in question, you should turn them down and tell them why.

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You're highly informed and are eager to discuss your knowledge with like minded people. Unfortunately, it may be difficult to meet people who share such an advanced level of expertise. You may be better off logging on to a chat room. A few members will be annoying, but you will find one or two who prove excellent conversationalists. Pretty soon, you'll be able to strike up a friendship outside the confines of cyberland. Don't worry what others will think of this association; they can't possibly understand such a bond.

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If there's anything you hate, it is being rushed. Unfortunately, there are several tasks that need to be dispatched as quickly as possible. Roll up your sleeves and tackle them in the early hours. This will give you time to relax and unwind in the afternoon. Be sure to check your work before turning it in, or an embarrassing error will be overlooked. If you're unsure of something, ask an eagle eyed colleague to review it. Their suggestions are worth following.

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A burst of energy helps you blast through an obstacle that once held you prisoner. This is a fantastic time to whip your body into shape. Aerobic exercise will yield impressive results. Balance it with a little gym work so you can tone your muscles while strengthening your heart. If you're very delicate, don't worry. You can always opt for gentle activities like yoga and swimming. You'll be amazed how just a little movement will make you feel so much better.

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Working on your own proves satisfying. You're tired of being micromanaged. If the powers that be would just leave you alone, you could create some beautiful work. Instead of waiting for their permission, just plunge ahead. Launching a writing or research project in your spare time is another possibility. Don't tell anybody what you are doing. Having a secret delight will give you a sexy sparkle that turns heads. Besides, you don't want anybody undermining your progress before you are done.

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Someone you've always admired will ask you to collaborate on an interesting project. You can't turn down this opportunity. Although their knowledge is superior to yours, your instincts are better. Together, you make a dynamic duo. Get the credit due to you. This will be an equal partnership, but you will have to fight to make your influence known. You're on the verge of realising a childhood dream. Don't mess it up by retreating into the shadows at the last minute.

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You're driven to succeed, no matter what the cost. If you're going to reach your goal, you need advanced training. Getting a degree or certificate may take months or even a couple of years, but the sacrifice will be worth it. It may be necessary to act as an apprentice to an expert. This will involve keeping your ego in check. Sure, you have lots of natural talent, but it will go to waste unless you hone it to a diamond like brilliance.

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Finding a channel for your expertise is essential to your happiness. It's possible you won't find an outlet where you currently live. Moving overseas or relocating to a university town will improve your prospects. People are willing to pay a lot of money for the privilege of studying with you. At first, you might have to teach novices as a means to get some experience in the classroom. Eventually you'll be put in charge of the advanced students.

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Your sex drive is at an all time high. If you're single, you could meet someone interesting at a library, bookstore, or lecture hall. You're strongly attracted to buttoned down types who seem to be in direct contrast to your rebellious attitude. Go slow with the object of your affection. Rushing into bed will create unnecessary complications. That may sound appealing at first, but you'll live to regret jumping the gun. Romance needs to be relished like fine wine.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You've always loved a challenge. Maybe that's why you're drawn to a person who is ruled by their head, instead of their heart. You're the type who relies on your instincts to get through life. Being with someone who analyses problems from every angle is both fascinating and frustrating. Together, you will have some epic arguments, followed by marathon lovemaking sessions. If you're already in a relationship, the two of you may decide to collaborate on a book.

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