
Putting too much emphasis on your job and reputation is compromising your love life. You need to take a larger view of life. Being more attentive to other people's needs keeps your ego in check. If you're in a relationship, it's important to curb work related commitments. Putting your job ahead of all other considerations will make your amour resentful. If your lover wants you to make a sacrifice for their career, be open to the suggestion.

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You may be engaging in a self destructive habit out of boredom. Instead of compromising your health, seek the stimulation you crave. Sign up for a class, do some voluntary work, or take a trip abroad. Although you are a creature of habit, you still need to be wary of growing stale. When you find yourself getting sucked under by certain patterns, it's time to make a change. A friend with an earthy sense of humour sparks your imagination.

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A power struggle with a child or lover drives you to distraction. You have been overly generous with them and now they expect you to drop everything for their sake. You've got to disabuse them of this notion. Failing to set healthy boundaries in this relationship will be a disaster. This is one of those instances when your 'live and let live' philosophy does more harm than good. When you give some people an inch, they'll take a mile.

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Old resentments towards a close friend could come bubbling to the surface. You're tired of tending to the home front while they are off on their adventures. Being the steady, reliable one has deprived you of fun. The only person who can change this dynamic is you. The next time you are asked to watch the children, run the errands, or cover for someone's work shift just say 'No', dig your heels in and stick to your guns.

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Don't jump to conclusions with regard to a financial matter. If a joint financial account is short of funds, approach your partner in a calm, rational way. Issuing wild accusations won't solve the problem. It may develop that your friend has been hiding the truth from you. If this is the case, you need to deal with the problem in a dignified way. If you decide you can no longer trust them, you need to part and take steps to ensure such deception never happens again.

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Wielding money over someone won't earn their loyalty; actually, it will have the opposite effect. Nobody likes being forced into a subservient position. It's immaterial whether you are dealing with a child, lover, or friend. You've got to form relationships on the basis of mutual respect and affection. Yes, this may involve covering someone else's expenses. It could even mean sacrificing your own needs for theirs. Never fear; there will come a time when these favours are returned.

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Anger towards a relative could cause you to lash out. You're tired of being made to feel grateful for their crumbs. The next time they get on your case give them a piece of your mind. As a general rule, you avoid ugly scenes like these. This time around you need to make your feelings known. Keeping the peace is all well and good when you're dealing with a healthy situation. Maintaining a toxic status quo is a whole different kettle of fish.

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You may feel alienated from the group and when this happens, your first instinct is to withdraw from the world. While this is a perfectly understandable reaction, you need to fight it or you'll feel even more isolated. Reach out to a sympathetic friend who understands what you are feeling without your saying a word. Being in their company will restore your confidence. Not everybody expects you to conform to an uncomfortable model.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Working as part of a team feels unrewarding. It seems as though you're doing all of the work and getting none of the credit. Your time is valuable. If you don't feel as though your contributions are appreciated, seek a better opportunity. You may be able to find a position that is fulfilling on both an emotional and financial level. Before you give money to a charitable organisation, do some research into its origins. What you find may surprise you.

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Once upon a time you were certain about a career path. Now it seems as if you were mistaken. Don't beat yourself up over this development. Not knowing your way can be liberating. Give yourself a chance to explore different paths. An interest in art, dance, or music could prompt you to take a job at a cultural institution. The pay may not be so good as what you've had in the past, but there will be other compensations.

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You would be wise to pack an eye mask and some earplugs before you head off to parts unknown. Taking your own pillow can also be helpful. If you still can't rest peacefully, you can always pass the time with an engrossing book. The less time you dwell on your unfortunate circumstances, the easier it will be to endure them. Look on the bright side: This journey makes you appreciate the comforts of home.

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Getting your sexual needs met may be difficult. Resist the urge to turn a platonic relationship into a romance. You never know how a bond will be affected once you throw lovemaking into the mix. If you already have a partner, one of you may be dissatisfied with the physical aspect of your union. Be willing to talk about the problem in an open, constructive way. Shouting at each other will do more harm than good.

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