
It's a good time to propose cutting edge ideas. Your business or romantic partner won't be supportive of these concepts, but don't be discouraged. A forward thinking professional is excited by your pioneer spirit. They'll give you the green light for a daring project. Find a way to cater to foreign tastes. People who were raised in other countries will welcome a product or service that gives them a taste of home. Pay careful attention to the habits and sensibilities of a growing cultural group in your community.

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You're ready to be liberated from an oppressive situation. Instead of waiting for someone to rescue you, break free yourself. This is a wonderful time to venture into unfamiliar territory. Leaving a boring job and working with a more progressive company will be lots of fun. You'll be expected to fill in wherever you are needed. Be willing to perform jobs that fall outside of your official title. The more flexible you are, the more appreciated you will be. It also pays to know as many aspects of an industry as possible.

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Working with a team will result in an exciting breakthrough. A brilliant collaborator can turn one of your good ideas into a great one. Insisting on doing things your way will result in a lost opportunity. Be willing to experiment with different techniques. If someone offers to show you how to execute a task with some cutting-edge technology, accept. This will save time, money and aggravation. An eccentric person who rubs you the wrong way at first will become a close friend. Stranger things have happened.

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Thinking outside of the box will earn fame and acclaim. You're highly creative. In the past, your employer urged you to blend in with the crowd. Things have changed. People are yearning for something fresh and new. By dispensing with tradition, you'll attract an eager and loyal audience. People will be clamouring for your products and services. If members of staff propose different ways of working, let them experiment. Their productivity will soar. This is no time to stand on ceremony.

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A chance meeting will send sparks flying. It will be impossible to resist the charms of an offbeat newcomer. If you're already in a relationship, be willing to shake things up. Try new ways of expressing your affection. Act like you're courting your amour all over again. You're a passionate person who has no trouble wearing your heart on your sleeve. An ardent display of devotion will get an enthusiastic response. This is no time to play it cool in the game of love.

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Filling in for an absent colleague will result in an exciting new job. You're extremely versatile and will discover a hidden talent. You'll quickly get the hang of hi-tech machinery or a cutting edge software programme. Don't be afraid to look foolish in the early stages. You're bound to make mistakes at first; that's only natural. By allowing yourself to get used to this new set of duties, you'll impress a supervisor. Within a few days, you'll be offered a raise, promotion or both.

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Don't let a bossy friend, colleague or romantic partner overshadow your desires. By pushing back, you'll get everything you want and more. Normally, you prefer deferring to others in a desire to keep the peace. This situation is different. It's essential you grab an opportunity to express yourself creatively. If this means taking a trip, or even a course or maybe developing a project by yourself, so be it. Your other half will have to amuse themselves while you're away.

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You're the only person who can bring order to chaos. Stop humouring a talented but temperamental colleague. It may be necessary to make an example of this troublemaker. You'll see a few defections in the early stages, but don't be discouraged. If everyone else realises there are consequences for their actions, they will quickly fall in line. Be willing to reward those who go above and beyond the call of duty. It's especially important to recruit those who know how to operate the latest computer equipment.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You'll cross paths with someone who makes your pulse pound. If you're single, post a provocative profile on a dating website. You'll get several exciting responses. One will stand apart from the crowd. Meeting someone who is refreshing, funny and intelligent will renew your faith in romance. You may be inspired to get engaged at a moment's notice. Are you already in a relationship? Buy your amour a beautiful token of your esteem. This spontaneous gesture will be enthusiastically received.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Come clean about your feelings, even if it causes an uproar. You're no longer willing to put up with a relative's manipulations. By establishing healthier boundaries, you'll no longer be held hostage by their threats. You are an extremely responsible person. Put your needs first. This will stop you from wasting precious energy on those who don't deserve it. If you're yearning for a break, head for an intriguing hideaway you've never visited before. This will be a welcome opportunity to rest and recharge your batteries.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Speak up to those in power. Stop letting an abusive person treat everyone else like dirt. The sooner you file an official report, the better the group will fare. You'll have to back up your claims with facts and figures, so be prepared. Keep a detailed document of all the offensive exchanges you have witnessed. Being able to cite dates and times will bolster your case. One bully can do so much damage; it's time to drive this pest from your midst.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Something has got to give regarding finances. You can no longer maintain your current lifestyle without making some changes. If this means cutting back expenses or landing a better paid job then so be it. The important thing is to live within your means. There's a good chance you can be happy with less. Make a note of every penny you spend, then review this account at the end of the week. This will show you where you can cut back with minimal pain.

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