
Remember, remember the 5th of November for being seductive, sexy and full of fantasy. A renewed zeal when realising your dreams makes it hard to focus on mundane tasks. Your future hopes is encompassed within a group of people. Whatever your desire, be sure to spend time with folks you feel comfortable with. Friends can become lovers too on this day of melting hearts and tender passions.

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Working for a charitable cause is cool so use Bonfire Night to raise awareness of a good cause. You get the chance to form a strong bond with people you can relate too in and out of work. Too often snap judgements have prevented you from forming potentially strong friendships. Throw everything you learned as a child out the window. You need to live by a new set of rules and not be so hasty with character assessments.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Any Guy Fawkes fun that takes you miles away proves lucky for opportunity and who you meet. Travelling to a diverse place opens up your mind to different cultures. It's no surprise, really; understanding human nature is right up your alley. You'd hate it if you lived in a world where everyone was the same. A new course of study will introduce you to beliefs to help you make sense of your own life.

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Firework Night rubs off on your libido as your passions are sexier than a rocket to the Moon. Your need for intimacy is stronger than ever, and it's always been pretty profound. Open up to someone whom you have feelings for. If you've been harbouring a secret, get it off your chest. Otherwise, you'll sense a psychological barrier between you and the rest of the world. Have the courage to step out of the shadows and live for love a little more.

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Celebrate Guy Fawkes Night with your guy or gal for this is a day for Moons and Junes in November! Differences with your partner are surmountable if you try a little tenderness. If you search your heart you'll realise that the reason you care for someone you've shacked up with, is that they have something you want. They complement you, so compliment them by sharing and caring with them now.

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The more you can use Bonfire Night to raise money for something you feel strongly about the better. Work provides a welcome relief from problems that are plaguing you elsewhere. It feels so good to be useful. Maybe the reason you're so unhappy is that you feel obsolete. Take up a hobby that allows you to exercise your imagination. Anything where you are filling a void and being of service to others.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Love can break through the night sky like a row of rainbow Roman candles this Firework Night. The temptation to get involved with someone sexy who breaks the rules is exciting. A rebel has such a strong appeal for you is that you're so scrupulously polite all the time but today you want to give into careless rapture. It's refreshing to be around a person who doesn't care what others think - remember that if you get involved romantically it could cause pain.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Watch out for deception or lies on a Guy Fawkes Night when not everything is as it seems. Mending fences with relatives is a nice idea, but it's not always possible. A realist like you should know that having blind faith in opportunists is a recipe for disaster. It's better to build a strong network of supportive friends than to pursue some fantastic ideal of a perfect family which can never exist except in movieland.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Tonight is for romance but come tomorrow when the Firework spectacular is ended so does love! Going on a spur-of-the-moment trip is what you need to come up with new ideas. If you haven't paused to enjoy the Autumn foliage, do so today. This beautiful season is too fleeting to waste indoors. If it's not possible to get away now, plan to get out of town and witness the glories of where you live.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Someone's charm hides a chancer so take care this Bonfire Night of a person who's a kidder. Unusually your defences are down when it comes to money so don't get involved with anyone or anything that doesn't add up. What appears a bargain really isn't unless you actually want it - otherwise it is just a waste of cash. Donating money to a charity is fine but getting physically involved is rewarding.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Go sexy with your image on Guy Fawkes Night to see folks smoulder with suggestions for you. Don't get defensive over nothing if you put yourself on the line then you have to pay for it. One reason you're so sensitive is you have a guilty conscience. Have you been as helpful and supportive as you should be? If the answer is no, you need to make amends now, before serious resentments lock in.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Bonfire magic showers down from the stars to light up your fantasies and turn them to reality. You're more determined than ever to bury your head in the sand as self deception and escapism is so much easier to bear than real life. Instead of giving in to inner demons, combat them by finding an artistic or athletic outlet. The process of creation will lift your spirits and count your blessings.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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