
You're ready to wield power for the sake of your peers. Although they lack the influence to change people's minds, you have the ear of an influential executive. Take this opportunity to argue for a more equitable policy. When the rules respect people's dignity, regardless of their role, morale is lifted. Everyone works harder for the benefit of the company and you know what it takes to convince people to make the right decision. Be forceful and direct.

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Going on a trip could transform your entire outlook. Take this opportunity to visit a country that has spiritual meaning for you. Making physical contact with this land will inspire you to change your lifestyle. Devote your energy to ideas and people that fill you with excitement. Stop carrying out a program that dampens your enthusiasm. If anyone questions this transition, give them a calm smile. You don't have to defend your decisions to anyone. Simply follow your heart.

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An intense romance makes you courageous. If you've been contemplating a job change, start submitting applications. Have you been thinking about moving? Look for homes in your desired area. Are you ready to break a bad habit? Get treatment. Your amour will be solidly behind you. With their help, you can transform your life. Have you been looking for love? You will meet a special someone as a result of this transition. Turn your back on the dark and go towards the light.

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Working with a partner who has extensive business connections is advised. You're able to win the hearts of your audience, while your associate can get their financial support. Whether you're opening a community centre, a business or creating a safe haven for vulnerable people is immaterial. The important thing is to use your talents to turn a dream into reality. Although your friend's credentials are impressive, they shouldn't make you forget your own accomplishments.

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Overhauling your daily routine will improve your health. Feed yourself nutritious meals, get enough sleep and find more ways to relax. Working around the clock will only undermine your wellbeing. If you have a demanding job, talk to your boss about getting a reduced schedule. It won't be good for either of you to be pushed past the breaking point. Have you been thinking of a professional change? Make a list of jobs that appeal to you.

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Developing your creative talent will give you a new lease on life. You've always been highly practical. At times, you've ignored artistic impulses for the sake of your career. Finding a way to make money from your imagination will be the answer to a prayer. Talk to friends about selling your handiwork in boutiques, galleries or online shops. People are willing to pay good money for handcrafted wares. The quality of your work is far superior to those of your competitors. That's why you're destined for success.

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You have become more sensitive to other people's struggles. Standing up for people who are vulnerable gives your life a sense of purpose. You've been blessed with a sharp intellect. Using it to help others will be uplifting. Whether you're lobbying government officials for greater social protections or helping someone fill out complicated paperwork, you are making a positive difference. Don't worry; the Universe will reward you for all your diligence.

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Watching a movie or reading a book will bring powerful inspiration. It's reassuring to encounter material that addresses personal challenges. Never forget you are not the first person to struggle with this matter and you won't be the last. By listening to others who have been through similar problems, you'll gather the courage to go on. Get into the habit of doing at least one nice thing for yourself each day. It's a great way to counteract all the negativity you've experienced.

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You're able to attract a moneymaking opportunity that will enrich you for many years. If you have a choice between taking a flat salary and taking a commission, choose the latter. You'll easily outperform the competition, giving you a big share of the profits. Use these earnings to create a nest egg. Having money in savings will give you a greater amount of choices. Instead of having to accept what's handed to you, it will be possible to forge your own path.

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Your magnetic personality earns lots of support. People are willing to follow you into battle because they are confident of your leadership ability. When you see an opportunity to outperform the competition, you take it. As a result, there are many individuals who want to work for you. Being part of your team means job security. That's important now, when few are confident about their long term work prospects. You're not merely content with maintaining a good level of business.

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Working behind the scenes helps you wield tremendous influence. Instead of putting your reputation on the line, you're able to deflect attention to a prominent executive or powerful company. Consequently, you're able to propose radical ideas with a minimum of fuss. When the competition thinks it's facing a powerful entity, it hesitates to raise a challenge. This arrangement works beautifully for you. You get to see your most innovative concepts being realised without having to fight detractors.

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Friends in high places will be helpful. If you want a job interview or audition, talk to someone with good connections. They'll be able to set an appointment for you. Be willing to drop everything and attend this meeting. Hire a babysitter, call a taxi or take the day off work if necessary. You shouldn't look this gift horse in the mouth. People around you will be so impressed by your passionate intensity that they'll offer you a position on the spot. Send your guardian angel a gift.

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