
You feel smothered by an intense relative. It's time to tell this family member to back off, even at the risk of hurting their feelings. Some people don't understand subtle hints. The only way to get through to this pest is to be direct. This will cause major friction for the next few days. Instead of trying to repair the damage, stand your ground. There's no reason you should always be on call for this needy individual. Tell them to develop some other coping strategies.

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Trying to win someone's love with expensive gifts is a mistake. The basis of any strong partnership is mutual affection. If you have to buy your way into a person's affection, you're better off alone. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour is putting too many demands on you. Trying to make them happy is undermining your own well-being. Take this opportunity to pamper yourself. Splashing out on new clothes, getting a massage and embarking on a solitary holiday are good possibilities.

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An emotional confrontation should be avoided at all costs. If two friends are arguing, do not get in the middle. Are you a witness to a bitter divorce? You should not take sides. Both parties are being irrational. It will be impossible to talk sense to either combatant. When pressured to talk badly about the other side, walk away. You shouldn't be placed in such a precarious position. Let calls go to voicemail and don't answer impassioned emails until a full day has passed.

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It will be impossible to meet a looming deadline. Tell everyone who will be affected as soon as possible. Giving people a chance to change plans is better than forcing them into a corner. You may lose some clients or assignments, but that's better than destroying your professional reputation. Unavoidable emergencies happen quite often. From now on, factor in more room for error before setting completion dates. When it comes to giving estimates, it's better to be realistic than impressive.

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You're processing a great deal of information. When people ask you questions, make your responses brief. If anyone wants to know more, they will ask you. You're trying to get a sense of the big picture, but most of your colleagues just want to know what pertains to them. This may seem selfish, but it is understandable. You can't expect part time and entry level employees to have the same involvement as fully invested members of staff. Be realistic.

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Reckless spending will get you in trouble. Do your best to make your resources stretch far. When faced with a choice between replacing an item and repairing it, pick the latter. These days, people usually have more than what they need, not less. Getting rid of clutter will give you a deeper appreciation of possessions you truly value. When you really need something new, save up for it. By the time you have enough money to purchase this item, you may decide you no longer want it.

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Stop pressuring your partner to take a risk. If your other half isn't ready to take the plunge, you should make a new plan. When a better opportunity comes along, you'll both be excited to pursue it. Do you feel like you're dealing with someone who is overly cautious? Having a heart to heart discussion about your differences is critical to reaching a compromise. While you have very different goals in life, you do balance each other well. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

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A charismatic person has ulterior motives in trying to befriend you. It's best to keep this character at arm's length, even if you do find them fascinating. Right now, everything between you is sweetness and light. As soon as you let down your guard, the tone will change. More and more demands will be made. At times, you won't feel like you have a choice to refuse. With friends like these, who needs enemies? Keep your communications polite but professional and distant.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Someone who puts a spring in your step has been playing hot and cold with you. Normally, you take a light-hearted approach to love. This situation is different. You want to know where you stand with the object of your affection. Unless they're willing to make a commitment, you're not interested in pursuing this relationship any longer. If you already have a partner, you could be victim of angry outbursts. There is an underlying reason for this rage. Have an honest discussion and prepare to hear some painful truths.

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You've experienced a great deal of growth on the career front. This has caused you to neglect your personal life. Don't be surprised when your best friend or romantic interest expresses resentment for your success. Until you put the focus back onto them, your relationship will suffer. Contrary to what you think, your loved one is not being selfish. They simply want the respect they are due. If you're going to remain connected, you will have to devote quality time to them.

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It's time to take off the gloves with an annoying colleague. You're tired of looking the other way at their bad behaviour. Pull them aside and explain how their offensive words are undermining productivity. You might be dismissed with an impatient wave of the hand. If that happens, you should file an official report. The sooner you have a record of their actions, the better. Don't feel guilty about hurting the perpetrator's professional prospects. They've put themselves in this situation.

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Someone will ask you to invest in their business or creative proposal. Be prepared to turn them away with a polite refusal. You work hard for your money and want it to work for you. Giving it to a person who has a track record of being flighty is a waste. Although you have genuine affection for this individual, you don't have faith in their work habits. If you get harassed about turning down this offer, back away from this relationship. You shouldn't be expected to finance other people's pipe dreams.

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