
You want to figure things out for yourself. Unfortunately, an overzealous teacher won't understand your body language and will try to micromanage your efforts. Be polite but firm when explaining your needs. By showing respect for the instructor's knowledge, they'll give you the space you want to experiment. After you hit a few snags, you'll master this concept. At that point, you can move on to more advanced lessons. Be patient with yourself and respectful towards your superiors.

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You have powerful emotions about a conflict at work. Be careful about discussing subjects that are close to your heart. Talking to untrustworthy people will lead to betrayal. It's better to confide in someone who has demonstrated their loyalty for years. Expressing your feelings to this friend will take a great weight off your shoulders. You're tired of wallowing in guilt. A heart to heart chat will help you see you're not to blame for a terrible misunderstanding.

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Lavishing your family with love feels wonderful. You sometimes have difficulty expressing your feelings, but that's not the case now. Whether you write a passionate letter to your romantic partner, cook comfort food for a relative or buy a special gift for a friend is immaterial. The important thing is to think of ways to surprise a person who is close to your heart. If you don't get an enthusiastic response at first, be patient. It will take time for the beauty of this gesture to sink in.

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You enjoy making people laugh with sly, witty remarks. Although your closest friends know about your terrific sense of humour, casual acquaintances will be surprised by it. That's because you rarely show this side of your personality, preferring to maintain an air of dignity in public life. Don't be surprised when you get more invitations from colleagues and neighbours. Now more people know about your comedic skills, they'll seek your company.

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Indulge your love of creature comforts. A forbidding relative will criticise your extravagance. Turn a deaf ear to these negative remarks. You've always had a deep appreciation for beautiful things that give pleasure. Depriving yourself of such delights causes great unhappiness. While financial stability is important, there is no sense in perpetually hoarding money. Give yourself treats on a regular basis. This will cultivate happiness. Are you yearning for something really expensive?

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Venturing in a new direction is exciting. You're tired of playing it safe, especially as far as your intellect goes. Undertaking a challenging course of study will bring out the best in you. It may take years to achieve the mastery you desire, but your hard work will pay off. Unfortunately, your best friend or romantic partner won't be supportive of this goal. They feel threatened by your plans. Do your best to explain this journey has nothing to do with them; for once, it's all about you.

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Working behind the scenes will be profitable. Although you don't enjoy having a powerful executive benefit from your talent, it is nice to earn a good salary. Put your earnings towards something you really want, like a glamorous trip. Getting a change of scenery will be a nice reward for all the sacrifices you have made. By the time you return home, you'll be ready to assume a more prominent position, either at your present job or with another employer.

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Don't feel pressured to make yourself available to everyone. You're a private person who enjoys solitude. Taking time for yourself makes it easier to deal with others. It's a means to recharge your spiritual batteries and administer to your emotional needs. If someone complains you are inattentive, don't get defensive. Explain your priorities while being respectful of their feelings. Your relationship will be better once you explain your priorities. It's better to have a few meaningful encounters than force your bond.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Making plans for the future gives you a greater sense of control. As a general rule, you have a live and let live approach. When it feels like you're not making progress, you have to be more mindful about your choices. Instead of wandering aimlessly, set some goals and work towards them. You can have a wonderful career if you set your mind to it. Make connections in your desired industry, work as an apprentice or intern and develop a portfolio. Play the part of a professional.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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An opportunity to expand your knowledge will fall into your lap. Be sure to take advantage of this terrific offer, even if you're very busy. Your priorities will soon change when you start taking classes. Your teacher will respect your willingness to work hard and make personal sacrifices for the sake of learning. Don't be surprised if you're offered a teaching job after you earn your diploma. This job will deepen your love of this subject even more. Doors are opening and it builds excitement for the future.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Getting to the bottom of a family mystery will be painful. Understanding a relative's motives will make you feel conflicted about your relationship. On the one hand, you feel sympathy for their situation. On the other, you cannot forgive hurtful behaviour that was inflicted on you. Don't beat yourself up for being angry. Your feelings are justified. It's possible to be compassionate towards a person while being protective

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Spending time with your favourite person will lift your spirits. Lately, you've been fully focused on work. Crossing things off your list of things to do has been your first priority. Now you have things under control, it's time for a break. Having lunch with your best friend or enjoying a candlelit dinner with your amour will remind you there is life outside your job. If you're thinking about a career change, discuss the possibilities. Don't feel pressured to make a snap decision; just let yourself think aloud.

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