
It might seem as if a close friend or workmate is interfering too much in your life these days. Because of this you're now inclined to do things your way, no matter what others have to say. Although you can't be all things to all people, try to understand why a person is being jealous or possessive. Instead of getting angry and emotional, if you can see a situation through their eyes you might react differently. Focus on what's going well for you today.

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A face to face meeting is likely to be more productive than relying on emails or text messages. If you need someone's agreement and there's a degree of urgency involved, arrange to meet up with them as soon as time allows. There are changes for the better coming along but it may take a wee while before they come into operation. In the meantime keep up the pressure and don't submit to the temptation of resting on your laurels.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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After a promising start, the pace will ease right off to a point where it seems impossible to make progress. Difficulties encountered could affect your self confidence and this uncertainty might stay with you for several hours. Once you find a way to overcome problems, your vitality will pick up. In fact you should be feeling quite yourself again by this evening. Your strength today is in the ability to interpret difficult instructions which leave other people baffled.

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A friend you respect and look up to in some way could offer you some wise advice. You might blame a loved one for having let you down when it works out it wasn't their fault they could not fulfil a promise. It may occur to you that you have been too emotional of late and perhaps expecting too much from your partner. Pick up a hobby, join a club, enrol on an evening class. Do something to give meaning to your existence without you having to rely on others for your happiness.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Think about your more simple ideas which can be readily put into operation and present them. Avoid anything too complicated today. Apart from the possibility of complex issues causing you nothing but worry you could be surprised at the results of focusing on more straightforward concerns. A strange promise of luck is forecast which seems to herald good fortune coming from somewhere inside your normal sphere of operations. Close relationships are more harmonious

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Bear in mind the difference between being self reliant and overly independent for the sake of it. Proving to someone you don't need their help or advice might result in you pushing them further away. It might only be when they are out of your life that you realise how much you did need them. Don't let it come to this. You can still keep your private life to yourself without shutting out company altogether.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Someone new has come into your life or changing circumstances makes your world more stable and secure. If you've been through a complex relationship or if memories of times gone by often plague you, at last you will see an end to these difficult associations. You aren't in the mood to socialise but within a group of people seeking to be with you there is someone who would welcome your attention. Relationships are getting better every day.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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No matter how willing you are to give someone the help they need, this could stop you from achieving your own aims. A request for assistance could be a colleague's way of loading jobs they never had any intention of doing, onto someone else. Tasks and interests that require no one's attention but your own will bring you the most satisfaction. Give in to someone's plea for help and you might feel your kindness is being abused.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Another person's logic is quite beyond your understanding. You have no idea how they can expect anyone to take their bizarre ideas seriously. It might be better to respond to suggestions being voiced with an easy going shrug and faked or otherwise smile. Today it would be to your advantage to let events come to you rather than chase them. Doing so will place you in a far stronger and happier position.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Rather than tearing the threads that bind, admitting to a past mistake could weave stronger bonds in your relationships. No one is perfect. If you've been a shade too forthright with a friend or colleague recently, you now see the sense of stopping and thinking before revealing thoughts, opinions and feelings. If you haven't been invited to an important professional gathering, ask friends who work for other companies if they will invite you as their guest.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A loved one's moods and reactions have been so predictable lately you can sense how they're going to react. Recent events or difficulties have resulted in someone being overly emotional and sensitive; they're liable to fly off the handle with the least provocation. If you rely on your intuition it should be easy to spot when such an occurrence may be looming. You can neatly side step it without appearing in any way officious.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Someone close wants to discuss changes they'd like to see put into action. Their ideas will appeal to you and planning for the future will keep you and your loved ones fully occupied. If you're single, lonely and looking for love, undoubtedly and unquestionably your soulmate is waiting for you; you must never give up on your search to find what you are longing for. Changes will again take up a lot of your thinking time this evening.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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