
Don't say things you don't mean. Pretending to admire someone could lead to their heartbreak. You don't like hurting anyone. Unfortunately, your kind attentions are often misinterpreted as romantic interest. This can cause some embarrassment. In the future, adopt a friendly but distant attitude with casual acquaintances. Signing a contract or entering into a business partnership could pay off handsomely. Two heads are better than one. You need a partner who is diplomatic, intelligent and witty.

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Money is tight. You might have to postpone a lavish purchase for another time. Try not to let this setback spoil your day. Spending time on domestic pursuits can restore your natural good spirits. Cooking, gardening and decorating will give you a great deal of creative satisfaction. Don't be surprised when people start flirting with you. You're especially attractive when working with your hands. It's hard to resist someone who is both capable and artistic.

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Don't let your bad mood rub off on others. A relative may have exciting news. Resist the urge to rain on their parade. If you're not in the mood to be pleasant and sociable, head for a quiet spot where you can seethe in peace. Reading an exciting book can ease your anger and sadness. So can listening to music or watching a movie. A friend may have recently recommended some material that sounded interesting. See if you can borrow it from the library.

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Try not to be hypersensitive, especially when dealing with a neighbour or relative. An imagined insult can drive a permanent wedge between you. Take their jokes with a pinch of salt. Being able to laugh at your own shortcomings is an admirable quality. Use this gift to open doors on the professional front. Instead of cringing with embarrassment when you make a mistake, make a self deprecating remark. Someone who needs an assistant could offer you a job.

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Friends will try to convince you to splash out on some luxury items. Although the prospect is tempting, it's better to keep your money in the bank. You may get an opportunity to travel and you'll want to have some extra cash for lavish meals and souvenirs. Listen to a friend's advice regarding a cherished dream. It's important to act now, when you are still optimistic. The more time goes by, the more unobtainable this goal may seem.

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Your employer won't be able to deliver on a promise, which is discouraging. Instead of pouring even more energy into your career, turn your attention to your love life. Spending lots of time with an attentive partner will make your confidence soar. Soon, you'll be inspired to apply for a great job that normally would be intimidating. By projecting enthusiasm and confidence, you could land this position in record time. If you're single, you could fall head over heels in love with a wild rebel.

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Don't assume you have nothing left to learn. By keeping abreast of the latest technological innovations, you'll remain a hot commodity on the job market. Let a cheerful instructor take you under their wing. At first, their upbeat attitude will make you suspicious. After spending some time together, you will realise your teacher is absolutely sincere. With this cheerleader on your side, you will reach heights you never dreamed possible. This will help you overcome your fear of public speaking.

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Your romantic partner is behaving selfishly. Resist the urge to beat yourself up. Too often, you assume responsibility when this relationship goes south. Instead of becoming contrite, you should be more demanding. Announce that you will no longer be overlooked. If you continue being neglected, look around for fresh opportunities. Plenty of people would love to hitch their star to yours. It's time you got the love you deserve. The sooner you stop accepting second best, the happier you will be.

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A friend isn't being especially cooperative. Take this opportunity to become more self sufficient. You're independent by nature. It isn't healthy for you to heavily rely on someone else, even if they are loyal and loving. If you've been longing to take an advanced course, sign up now, while there is space available. A teacher with unorthodox methods will stimulate your imagination. Soon, you'll be devoting every spare moment to your favourite subject.

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This isn't a good time to overindulge in food and drink. Ramping up your fitness routine will give you the necessary energy to finish an important job. If you render a flawless performance, you will be given even bigger and better projects. It might even be possible to work from home. Although you enjoy a busy work environment, long commutes and office politics can be exhausting. Have you been thinking of launching your own business? This would be a good time to do so.

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Resist the urge to wear your heart on your sleeve. An irrepressible flirt isn't serious about pursuing a relationship. It may be better to hold out for someone who shares your values. Are you already in a relationship? Your love life could use a dash of spice. If you're going to remain intimate, you have to devote more time to one another. Candlelit dinners, walks in the park and weekend outings sound hopelessly sentimental, but they will really do the trick.

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Your family won't be very accommodating, so it may be best to go off on your own. If a relative doesn't want you to bring your dog or children to their home, respect their wishes and make other arrangements. Brooding over the situation will put undue strain on your relationship. An exciting work opportunity is on the horizon. Accept a colleague's offer to train you for another set of duties. The more you know, the easier it will be to get a promotion.

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