
A strong desire to expand your horizons prompts you to take action. Arranging a trip, or submitting written work for publication are among the possibilities. Alternatively, you may seek justice for a matter that has gone awry. Fortunately, the help and resources you need seem readily available. If there's one thing you can't stand, it's a bully. Stand up to somebody who has tried to take advantage of your good nature. Your forthright approach is bound to prevail.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You're ready to take a bold risk, if only to break a stultifying routine. Daily life doesn't offer lots of creative expression, but you have the power to change this situation. Try your hand at painting, fashion design, jewellery making - anything that captures your fancy. If you've been harbouring a crush on someone special, make your move today. Playing the aggressor feels wonderfully liberating. Besides, the object of your affection will probably respond with enthusiasm.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A passionate encounter with the one you love proves exhilarating. You've been carrying around a lot of pent up emotion these past few days. Here is your chance to let it all out. In the event you are single, you could get into a heated debate with someone who seems a bit arrogant. Your pointed comments will bring this person down several notches. Incredible as it may seem, this tense relationship could become a beautiful romance. There's lots of chemistry between you.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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There's lots to be done today, but thankfully, you're up to the challenge. In fact, you feel buoyed by all the responsibility that lies ahead. There's never been a better time to attend to household tasks that have slipped through the cracks these past few weeks. If you play your cards right, you may even have time to go to the gym by the end of the day. Thinking about getting a pet? Visit your local rescue centre. You could find a lifelong friend.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You're in the right place at the right time where money and romance are concerned. Gambles of all kinds are favoured. Buying a single lottery ticket or approaching an elusive love interest could pay off handsomely. You could also hear great news concerning a child. A young person who has been struggling in school could have a major breakthrough, or an academic superstar could be singled out for a prize. Everything's coming up roses, just in time for Christmas!

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Spending a little more money on household goods allows you to entertain in style. It pleases you to serve loved ones special food and drink. Experimenting with traditional recipes allows you to express your creativity in rewarding ways. You've always loved to be of service to others, and what better way of helping people than satisfying their appetites? You may have to rearrange some furniture to accommodate all of your guests. It's even possible you like the new layout better.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Don't deliberate over taking a short trip; just get moving! A spur of the moment journey is just what the doctor ordered. You've got a keen mind and a strong love of beauty. Venturing beyond your comfort zone will stimulate these gifts even further. The inspiration to write a poem, novel, or short story could strike at any given moment. Be sure to have paper and pencil ready to record any brilliant ideas. Emotional honesty is the key to this work's success.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Spending on impulse could put you in financial jeopardy. If you're going to go shopping, it's a good idea to set a limit on what to buy. This way, you'll be more prone to choosing something that really speaks to your soul. Don't let a guilt trip prompt you buy presents for your loved ones. Instead, spend your resources on something you alone will enjoy. Investing in your own happiness will go a long way towards attracting even more abundance.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're extremely energetic today, wanting to spread your idealism to everyone you meet. Fortunately, people are receptive to your message of hope. They draw strength from your confidence that anything is possible. Mentoring an impulsive young man will prove satisfying. You need to teach this boy the importance of staying power. He's too apt to quit at the first sign of failure. By acting as his believing mirror, he will exceed both of your expectations.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're intent on finding a forum for your talents. Right now, you're in the planning stage for showcasing your work. Don't share your vision with friends and colleagues just yet; trust your instincts for the time being or a thoughtless comment could prevent you from developing a good idea. Performing anonymous acts of kindness feels empowering. Make a donation to your favourite charity or help a neighbour without their knowledge.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Joining an athletic team or club helps expand your horizons. It's important for an analytical person like you to get outside of your head. Mixing with a large group of people helps remind you there are many different ways of viewing a single issue. Don't be surprised if one of your team members helps to free you from a limited way of thinking. Thanks to their influence, you'll be able to take on challenges that once terrified you, especially on the emotional front.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your leadership skills are bubbling to the surface. Normally, you don't like telling people what to do, but you must confess you have the best grasp of today's issues. Guiding a team towards your ultimate goal will be more rewarding than you think. Before assigning people particular tasks, consider where their strengths lay. If they experience difficulties, point out what they are doing right. This will give them the necessary inspiration to keep moving forward. You're a gentle but effective mentor.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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