
You long to expand your horizons, but you can't do this until you create a stable foundation for yourself. People at home may be relying on your income. Alternatively, you could have pets that require special care. Don't make a move towards the future until you've ensured the safety of those around you. If you're strapped for cash, spend the next several months saving money so you can really finance this project properly. Patience is a virtue, particularly this month.

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Your air of authority masks a touching vulnerability. If you crave more physical affection from a lover, just ask. They'll be happy to oblige you. If your love life isn't what you'd like it to be, it's time to have an honest conversation. Explore your partner's attitudes and expectations. The reason things have cooled down may be because you've fallen out of touch with each other. Get ready to remedy the situation now, while your heart is still in it.

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On one level, you want privacy, but on another, you crave companionship. You need to learn how to balance these desires. Don't lash out at a loved one when they approach you at the wrong moment. If you're forthcoming about your needs, they'll do their best to accommodate them. Of course, you need to be mindful of your beloved's feelings, too. You can't just call upon them as though you're ordering room service. Work to meet them halfway, at least some of the time.

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Being of service to your loved ones fills an emotional void. Lately, you've been so busy on the job you haven't had time to devote to anyone else. It looks as though you're going to have to instigate this change, rather than wait for your workload to ease. Tell your employer you will be cutting back your hours. It's obvious you have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Somebody else will have to pick up the slack.

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Your authoritative stance is extremely sexy, so don't be surprised if someone expresses romantic interest in you. If you're already in a relationship, this would be a good time to arrange a romantic evening for you and your beloved. Hire a babysitter. You're long overdue for some adults only time. Showing your creative work to the public could result in fame and fortune. People respond to your vision, and are willing to pay good money for these works of art.

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You're expanding your knowledge by leaps and bounds, which makes you feel as though you're treading a fault line. The ground beneath your feet is about to split open, and no amount of planning can truly prepare you for it. You're just going to have to plunge into the precipice. While this strikes terror into your heart, it's a necessary move. You've been blessed with tremendous talent, and need to channel it in a new direction or you'll grow stale.

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Your sex appeal is at an all time high. Be careful you don't give an admirer the wrong idea. Although you love flirting, you don't enjoy breaking hearts. It may be best to adopt a more detached stance towards someone who has been overly attentive. If you have a partner, you need to focus your energy on them. Act as though you're still in the courtship phase of your relationship. The results will be evident in the bedroom.

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Being a good friend means being emotionally available. Although you're incredibly busy with your own work, it's important to take time out of your busy schedule for a loved one. Be honest if you think they have fallen prey to temptation. You may be the only person who can make an appeal to their morality. Contrary to what you might think, people take your opinions very seriously. One word from you could change the entire course of your pal's life.

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You're the most capable person at work, maybe it's because you put your heart into the job. Others may not care about turning out a good product or providing excellent service, but you do. Some people will mock your earnest attitude, but ignore them. If you continue performing at this level, you could get a raise, promotion, or both. It's even possible that you'll be able to open your own business. When it comes to work, you've got to think about the long term future.

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Your creative juices are flowing freely but you can't stand to be reined in by narrow minded onlookers. If you want to make real progress, cut yourself off from the public. Spend a solitary hour or two on a project each day, even if it means waking up at an ungodly time. The results will be well worth the sacrifice. If people accuse you of being moody, it's probably because they aren't being receptive to your ideas. Don't change your approach.

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Listening to your emotions is essential to the health of a friendship. It's possible someone who is close to your heart has been making terrific demands on you. Until you establish some firm boundaries, your affection for them will start to fade. At first, your pal may be hurt by your request for more privacy. In time, though, they'll recognise you are working in the best interests of your friendship. The more direct you are, the better the conversation will go.

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You can achieve a great deal today, provided you give yourself enough breathing room. Don't expend all of your emotional energy on the job. You've got to have something left for your personal life. If your boss is making too many demands on your time, you've got to stand in your own defence. Too often, you think you'll lose your job if you don't follow orders, but the employer-employee relationship is a two way street. Act accordingly.

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