
It's a good time to confront someone who has been causing emotional pain. You're a strong person who can tolerate a lot of nonsense. After you've reached your tipping point, there is no going back. Issue an ultimatum. If your friend is unwilling or unable to treat you respectfully, cut ties. In the beginning, you'll feel this loss terribly. Then the initial rift will heal and you'll realise how much happier you are. Hold out for relationships that uplift and support you.

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Making improvements to your neighbourhood will be satisfying. Your environment has a strong impact on you. Without beautiful sights and tranquil places to linger, you become anxious and irritable. Many people in the area share your concerns. Together, you can plant a garden, create a park or clean a littered area. Don't be discouraged by a few naysayers who want things to remain as they are. If everyone listened to such cynics, no positive change would ever occur.

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Efforts to increase your income will pay off. It's important to demand what you are worth. Whether this means asking for a raise or finding a more lucrative job is up to you. The important thing is to acknowledge your material needs. Money isn't the most important thing in life, but it is an effective tool. When you have ample resources, it's easier to do the things you want without getting overwhelmed. By keeping your possessions in the proper perspective, you'll fare beautifully,

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Your energy is stronger than ever, so find a healthy outlet for it. Increasing your exercise routine will be beneficial. Activities like swimming, dancing and ice skating appeal to your creative side, while stringent workouts leave you cold. Don't be afraid to have a little fun while you're strengthening your body. If you've been butting heads with a toxic individual, summon your aggression. Make it clear you won't tolerate their bullying any longer. You can be quite intimidating when you want.

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Instead of grabbing the spotlight, work behind the scenes. You'll be much more productive when you escape public scrutiny. As a general rule, you enjoy having an audience. This can backfire when you're trying to do something radical. People are suspicious of change. When you're trying to overhaul an outmoded system, keep quiet until you have a new method in place. Presenting people with a fait accompli will dramatically increase your chance for success.

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Working on a physically demanding project will be stimulating. You're an extremely intellectual person who has a tendency to overanalyse things. Doing some heavy lifting will be a welcome change. It's a relief to be productive without having to second guess everything. You'll be especially helpful devising fast, efficient systems that maximise everyone's contributions. People will be grateful for your input, because it makes things simpler and speedier.

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A desire for fame, status and prominence will prompt you to go into overdrive. Making the rounds of professional conferences and work meetings will raise your profile. Don't be afraid to champion bold ideas, even if they are met with a lukewarm reception. Your energy and enthusiasm will turn the tide. If you're looking for a job, you could find one through personal contacts. Arrange to have coffee with a prominent person in your desired industry. They'll give you a boost up the ladder to success.

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Extensive travel is in the cards. You've been entrusted to spread a company or organisation's message. People have faith in your ability to get straight to the point. Instead of wasting valuable time on meaningless chitchat, present the facts. Ask pertinent questions. Sew up deals as quickly as possible. When you show you mean business, others will sit up and take notice of you. There will be plenty of time to celebrate victories later. Concentrate on meeting your immediate objectives.

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Take a more active role in a joint financial matter. Get copies of statements sent to you. Review these documents with a fine toothed comb. If you're not sure how to read them, learn how. Make the most of 'How To' books and online tutorials. Knowing the full story will be empowering. You may decide it is better for you to have a separate account that is under your sole control. If that isn't possible, make sure no expenditures are made without your signed consent.

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If you have a heavy and ever growing workload, ask for help. Collaborating with a quick witted individual will dramatically increase your productivity. You're both good at making decisions. The difference is your partner excels at working with the public while you're better at handling business matters. Together, you'll make a dynamic duo that commands respect. It's a relief to have someone watching your back. Once you establish this relationship, you'll be able to take more time off and relax.

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This is a wonderful time to launch a physical fitness programme. Taking more exercise will give you an attractive glow that is hard to resist. It will have the added benefit of releasing tension. You've always been a cerebral person. Thinking about things too much can make you anxious. When your muscles feel tight, you should flex them through swimming, walking and stretching. You'll notice an immediate improvement in your outlook as a result.

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Channel your energy into creative pursuits. You've been blessed with a vivid imagination; find an outlet for it. Relatives may not understand your compulsion to create things that are useful and beautiful. Don't bother defending this obsession. Your job is to be true to your heart. If others have a problem with the way you spend your free time, they should keep quiet. Be ready to silence someone who is always criticising your work. Making art is as essential to you as eating and breathing.

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