
Physical scars heal but emotionally it isn't always easy to repair the wound. Emotional scars can seem to linger for years. You might think you've got over a difficult experience but often when you're least expecting it, something triggers the memories and you feel the pain all over again. It's not easy to change your emotional makeup but it is possible. A therapist or counsellor or just talking to a sensitive friend might help you cope.

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You don't lack ambition but you are being sensible in making a decision to take more control of your time. What occurs now draws your attention to your priorities and the sense of working out the importance of a number of commitments in your life relative to each other. Long term goals are important but if the demands these make in terms of time, effort and cost conflict with family and personal responsibilities they may not seem worth it any more.

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For the first time you are starting to get a detailed picture of events someone has been cleverly hiding from you. There has been insinuation from some people that you have been avoiding facing up to certain facts when you knew absolutely nothing about them. Now that secrets are out you can make more informed choices. Where it would have been difficult to sift fact from fiction you now have all necessary information available. You will be making your decisions based on reality and not the distorted truth you've been fed with recently!

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Are you striving for what you actually want or has being stuck in a rut stopped you noticing opportunities around you? Are you in a job because it is what you desire out of your career or was it intended to be a temporary step until a better suited position becomes available? What was once the best option in the circumstances may have become a way of life you now accept but don't necessarily enjoy. Start looking around for something different.

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You can't imagine a harder choice than the one you have to make today. What you decide on could mean big changes in the future. If you're struggling financially, the question you must ask yourself is: do you and your family move to a less expensive home? Will selling your possessions be the answer or might this is only a temporary solution to your difficulties? If you're going through problems in a relationship you and a partner will be weighing up the benefits of staying together with the advantages of living apart.

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Be creative, use your imagination and don't hamper your ideas even if they aren't logical or practical. Not everything you do will call for rational thought. Put new ideas into your work and accept a creative challenge. Allow your thoughts to wander and no matter how silly an inspiration might seem don't dismiss it. You can always come back later to revise it. Give ideas a chance to ripen until you are able to put them to practical use.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're so nervous about boring people or irritating someone that you're trying too hard to please them. Are their opinions more important than being true to yourself? Admit it if you have special interests which mean a lot to you that others don't understand. Give an honest opinion rather than telling friends what you think they want to hear. To love and respect yourself you must be honest with others and claim back your individuality.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Technology has become so big a part of your life that it is practically undividable from your ordinary existence. Living a whole day without having to rely on some form of technological equipment sounds like an almost impossible challenge. From microwaves to iPods and calculators to computers you're becoming increasingly aware of possessions you probably couldn't live without. All of a sudden reading a book from cover to cover or the idea of camping under the stars appeals to your desire to get back to the basics.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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What's the point in having a good imagination if you don't put it to good use? You prefer to see the best in others which is why you don't want to acknowledge someone is trying to hold you back. The only reason a colleague reacts negatively to your ideas is because they can't come up with anything as good themselves. Follow your passions and your creative endeavours could lead to some lucrative commercial opportunities.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You are being far too cautious and this is for another person's sake as you sense their reluctance for change. Someone is worrying so much about themselves that they don't even realise how much you really care. Decisions you're making are with their best interests in mind. You're reluctant to cause any more pain than what they are already going through. If only others realised how much you are doing for them and the sacrifices you are willing to make for their happiness.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A long running legal or financial dispute is coming to an end. This will have cost you a lot through time, money and all the action you've taken to try to resolve the issue. An important meeting or assembly will consider the best way to agree on a settlement. Negotiations are more successful than they have been in the past. If you finally get the approval needed for new arrangements, this could be the beginning of the end of a drawn out and bitter conflict.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You may not have realised how much of a habit some responsibilities have become when they are as much a part of your life as eating and breathing. You just get on with tasks every day without questioning why, for how much longer or whether they are really what you want to do. You are attaching your happiness to routines that make you feel secure but not inspired. Change this and discover how rejuvenated it makes you feel.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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