
This is a good time to build a consensus at home, at work or in your neighbourhood. People will be prepared to listen to your plans and projects. Sometimes you can be too sensitive to criticism. Before reacting to negative feedback, take a deep breath and count to ten. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are your enemy. They are just people who haven't seen the light. It will be up to you to illuminate them in a kind, thoughtful and friendly way.

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It's time to fight for your beliefs. In the past, you were willing to make compromises for the sake of harmony. Now you're in a situation where there is a clear path to victory. Taking another avenue will result in failure. Consequently, it's up to you to promote the winning strategy. Someone who is loud and bombastic will try to steal your thunder. They don't realise you are the most persistent rival around. By sticking to your message, you'll hit the target. Stay focused.

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It's time to go for the gold. Landing a lucrative job or getting a raise is a distinct possibility. Don't be afraid to make an emotional appeal to the people in power. You have a reputation for being highly logical. Making factual arguments has been effective in getting support. It can sometimes undermine your efforts when it comes to money. People think you won't be upset if your requests are refused. Make it clear you are determined to be paid what you are worth.

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Go after your goals with a passion. Nothing can stop you when you summon your natural leadership ability. When you're dealing with powerful people, don't defer to them. Present yourself as an equal. Your self-assurance will make a great impression. It doesn't matter what new role you are hoping to attain; people will sense that you have the ability to bring about change and make things work in your favour. Those rare times when you're uncertain, ask a loved one for moral support.

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Withdrawing from public view is strongly advised. You're processing powerful emotions. Coming to terms with a disappointment will take time. After you've accepted the new normal, you'll be ready to enter society again. Until then, be gentle with yourself. Stop entering a shame spiral every time you make a mistake. If you don't feel well, reduce your work load. Go home early and take an afternoon nap. Treat yourself with the kindness and consideration you deserve.

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Working with a lively team will be a welcome change of pace. You love trading ideas with extremely intelligent people. Occasionally, arguments will erupt, but they will be mostly friendly. You won't have to resort to personal insults to get your way. By sticking to the facts, you'll win over the opposition. People are impressed by your ability to stay focused, even when dealing with troublemakers. Instead of getting sucked into the drama, you remain cool, calm and collected.

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Creating a career you love is your first priority. You have no intention of being stuck in a dead-end job. Therefore, you are always looking for opportunities to improve your skill set and expand your social circle. A combination of knowhow and good contacts will help you up the ladder to success. If you've been thinking of entering a highly competitive industry, go for it. Some people don't think you are tough enough to survive. That's because they don't realise you have an iron fist inside that velvet glove.

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You're ready to venture into unknown territory. Cautious friends will urge you to maintain the status quo, but you're not listening. You'd much rather take a risk than remain stuck in a secure position. Applying to university, requesting an exclusive membership and submitting written work for publication are among the possibilities. You will experience a certain level of rejection, so be prepared. By remaining diligent and determined, you will eventually reach your goal.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're more determined than ever to get your fair share of the pie. If this means challenging an authority figure's decision or filing a legal case, so be it. Adversaries have a tendency to underestimate you. They mistake your friendly demeanour for weakness. When they try to take advantage of you, they get a nasty surprise. You're not only willing to fight for what is yours, but you will draw attention to injustice. Because you have a reputation for being fair people listen when you complain.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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An exciting alliance will dramatically increase productivity. It feels good to work alongside someone with strong emotional intelligence. Listen to their advice when it comes to dealing with difficult people. By adjusting your approach, a problem client or employee will become downright agreeable. As a result, you'll be able to devote more time and energy to the projects you enjoy. In return for your partner's help, you'll contribute a sense of order and stability that breeds success.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're sick and tired of sorting through piles of paper to find the one document you need. Set aside a few hours in your busy schedule to tidy your work area. Go through your in-box and get rid of anything obsolete. Stow the rest into easily accessible files. Weeding out your email account will also be helpful. Once you get into a good rhythm, you'll feel inspired to organise other spaces. Cleaning out your car and living space will clarify your thinking.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're feeling especially passionate. If your love life has been lacklustre, spend more quality time with your amour. Reconnecting over delicious meals can cause your mutual adoration to come flooding back. Are you single? You will meet someone special at a concert, museum, movie or play. Be ready to approach the object of your adoration. Normally, you don't like being the aggressor in a relationship. By taking a more assertive approach, you'll gain newfound confidence.

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