
Pouring your energy into work will make you feel wonderfully productive. While everyone else is resting and relaxing, you'll be busy creating efficient systems and effective policies. Your ability to anticipate problems will save time, money and aggravation. It helps you communicate with people who use and are affected by these methods. They'll tell you exactly where potential pitfalls exist and how to avoid them. Take this feedback seriously. It will make all the difference between success and failure.

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Your social circle is quickly expanding. That's because you're open to learning from people whose backgrounds are different from your own. Being surrounded by those who have similar beliefs won't help you grow. It's much better to discuss important issues with those who have different values, ideals and sensibilities. Don't be surprised when you begin questioning some convictions that were imposed on you during childhood. You're ready to adopt a more open-minded attitude. A strong desire to travel may accompany this adventurous outlook.

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A close relationship inspires you to take better care of yourself. Nutritious food, regular exercise and restful sleep will boost your energy. Instead of feeling exhausted when you get home from work, you'll be ready for a night on the town. Are you single? You'll meet someone special at work. Keep your eyes open for an accomplished person with a dry sense of humour. The sparks between you will be powerful. Playing hard to get is a good strategy in the early stages.

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You're able to broker a compromise between two arguing parties. This allows everybody to move forward with relief and confidence. The secret to your success is an ability to see both sides of a single issue. Instead of passing judgment on the people involved, you address their concerns in a compassionate way. Don't be surprised if you're asked to be the mediator for a prominent institution. Thanks to your diplomatic skills, your employer can satisfy the demands of critics while maintaining its reputation.

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Look for ways to help others. When you focus on the people around you, private problems become much less pressing. Donate items you don't want or need to charity. Clean out cages at the local animal shelter. Assemble care packages for people working in the military. Choose a cause that resonates with your heart. You'll notice a subtle change because of your good deeds. Little problems that once got under your skin will no longer aggravate you. It will become easier to perform simple tasks.

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Obey an impulse to treat yourself like royalty. Usually, you put your own needs last. By practicing some self-care, you'll pave the way to a happier, healthier future. Although you're highly practical, you do have a fondness for luxuries that are made with beautiful materials. Splash out on some expensive items for yourself. A cashmere cardigan, bottle of cologne, or gourmet meal will fill you with delight. Slowly but surely, anxiety will melt into pleasure. You'll regain your zest for life.

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Shower affection on a loved one who has been experiencing a difficult time. Preparing a delicious meal, sending a handwritten card or running some errands are all good ways to show you care. Even a small gesture of kindness will make a big impact. Everyone is so busy with the business of daily life that they can lose sight of each other. When you bring the focus back to relationships, love flows freely. Sadness and anxiety are replaced by peace and joy.

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Stimulating your intellect is the fastest way to escape boredom. Play a strategic game, put together a puzzle or work on a writing project. You don't have to spend a lot of money to have fun. After devoting a few hours to developing creative solutions and solving problems, you'll feel energised and refreshed. You'll be ready to tackle tedious jobs you've been avoiding. Best of all, you'll stop falling prey to unhealthy habits that make you feel bad about yourself.

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Indulging your sensual side is strongly advised. You are an intelligent person who prefers the realm of the mind than the body. When you deprive yourself of creature comforts, you become tired and irritable. Instead of picking up another book or attending another discussion group, soak in a scented bath. Visit a fragrant garden. Prepare some comfort food. Do whatever you can to engage your five senses. Focusing on the material world will also increase your desire for companionship. Enjoy some intimate moments with your amour.

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Your competitive instincts are stronger than ever. This is a great time to enter a contest, showcase your talent or apply for a job. Although you are confident about your abilities, you will be surprised to see how gifted your rivals are. By testing your powers against theirs, you'll become even more motivated to winning the top spot. Instead of resting on your laurels, work harder than ever before. You'll reach new heights and that can't be disputed. Get ready to step into the winner's circle.

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You're more sensitive than usual to your surroundings. That's why it's important to seek out positive people who lift your spirits. With these friends at your side, you can accomplish anything you desire. If you're thinking of changing career paths, confide in an adventurous loved one. They'll give you the encouragement you need to pursue this dream. You will do especially well in any field involving research, restoration or investigation. Any work that requires great focus and imagination is good for you.

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Challenge an organisation's unfair rules and regulations. You've always been deeply committed to justice. When you see certain parts of the community being treated poorly, you get angry. Channel your frustration into a worthwhile cause. You're very persuasive. After meeting with the leaders of this institution, you might be able to change their minds. If not, you can always notify the press. The threat of bad publicity may do the trick.

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