
You're in a position of professional and political power. People are asking for help with advancement. A reference from you is worth its weight in gold. Be discerning when making recommendations. Promote only the people who are a good fit for the positions they seek. Offering trustworthy referrals will pave the way for a new opportunity. Getting paid to share your opinions about art, music or movies will be the answer to a prayer. Use this extra income to open a savings or retirement account.

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Be open to exploring unfamiliar territory. Your employer might ask you to undergo a training course. Although the prospect of attending these sessions is boring, you should accept the offer. Getting a certificate or degree will improve your professional prospects. Suddenly, you'll get a promotion or lucrative job offers. You will capitalise on your newly acquired expertise. Landing a position that involves extensive travel is a distinct possibility. You'll enjoy getting paid to see the world on a lavish expense account.

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If you don't undergo a transformation, it will be impossible to realise your potential. It's time to end a bad habit or release limiting beliefs. Although the prospect of making such a big change makes you nervous, you should take the plunge anyway. A much better job will arrive as soon as you make this transition. Getting paid to do what you love will heighten your charisma. Don't be surprised when you become a love magnet. People who were once immune to your charms will find you irresistible.

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A partnership must undergo changes to survive. Recently, this union has felt like all work and no play. It's up to you be more spontaneous. Give your best friend a gift. Take your romantic partner on holiday. Encourage your business associate to branch out. Working on a creative project will cultivate contentment. You've been blessed with a vivid imagination. Exercise it at every opportunity. Ignoring impulses to write, draw or play music will dim your inner light. It's better to glow like the full moon.

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You'll be given some heavy responsibilities at work. Take this opportunity to ask for a raise. Although you have always been enthusiastic and cooperative about performing your duties, you expect to be properly compensated. If you can't get the money you deserve, find another job. Home life is a source of profound pleasure. When you get tired, turn your attention to domestic pursuits such as: preparing comfort food, putting fresh linen on the bed or luxuriating in a scented bath. You'll feel uplifted and renewed.

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You've always been extremely sensual. Satisfying your physical desires is a priority. If you're single, you'll meet someone special at a professional gathering. Keep your eyes open for someone with fantastic bone structure. Do you have a partner? Enjoy a passionate getaway. You'll get enthusiastic feedback for a new creative project. This is music to your ears. You've worked hard on this project. Once it is published, you'll attract similar assignments with big payments attached. Publications are willing to pay good money for your informed opinions.

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It's time to air some of those powerful feelings that have been building. Confronting a demanding relative will be liberating. You're no longer willing to suppress your own needs to satisfy theirs. After a loud argument, you'll feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. The financial security you seek is on the way. Earning a bigger salary will allow you to enjoy more creature comforts. Turn a deaf ear to critics who think you are a spendthrift. Luxury is as essential to you as food and water.

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Learning as much as you can about an emerging technology will be advantageous. You might be asked to lead a seminar or training course or give a workshop for beginners. The enthusiasm of your students will give you a new lease of life. A personal breakthrough fills you with excitement. You're ready to get rid of possessions that have been making you sad. Streamlining your living space will allow fresh energy to come flowing into your life. Don't be surprised when a moneymaking or romantic opportunity soon follows.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Economic expansion allows you to make some big changes. Buying a home, car or computer can greatly improve your quality of life. Although you're not especially materialistic, you do enjoy the freedom and ease that money can buy. Revel in your newfound independence. A vivid dream prompts you to spend more time on the activities you love. Going back to somewhere with special memories with your amour will give you a new lease of life. Experimenting with sensual techniques will get an enthusiastic reception.

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You'll be given a chance to embark on an adventure. Embrace the opportunity, as it will cultivate happiness and contentment. Although you are proud of all you have accomplished, you've outgrown your current role. Move into a more challenging position. People will have intense reactions to the changes you undergo. Some of your loved ones will urge you to maintain the status quo. As much as you would like to satisfy their demands, you must go where the wind takes you. Not all transformations are negative. Stay optimistic.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're undergoing a profound spiritual change. Things that used to give life meaning no longer resonate with you. Be willing to release beliefs that no longer serve you. Adopt a new philosophy that allows you to pursue positions of power. Leaders are not inherently evil. By taking the helm of a company, charitable organisation or political territory, you can bring about wonderful improvements. It helps that you have extensive social connections. With the help of your friends, you can make life much easier for the entire team.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Participating in a group project will be demanding and rewarding. You will have to scale back your social life to meet these work commitments. By doing your fair share of the work, you'll gain a reputation for being a talented and reliable contributor. Don't feel pressured to discuss a sacred practice with casual acquaintances. The last thing you want is to be criticised for beliefs you hold dear. By carrying out your rituals in private, they'll assume an even bigger prominence.

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