
You want what’s best for others but there’s no guarantee they agree with your idea of what’s right for them. Stressful vibrations between Mars and Neptune warn you against pushing your nose into affairs that are none of your business. You’re fooling yourself if you think someone is glad of your interference.

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A mean man or vindictive woman will try to walk all over you using lies to wheedle their way into your life. Be firm if you don’t want to be their doormat. Start as you mean to go with them. Assertiveness equals control and this is what it will take if you want them to know who’s boss.

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Negotiation and compromise is nigh on impossible as a Mars/Neptune opposition stifle communication. You won’t respond well if others try to goad or nag you into action and your own efforts to persuade others to get a move on won’t fare much better. Admit it: you’ve reached a stalemate.

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What other people think doesn’t really matter so stop putting so much needless effort into keeping up appearances. It’s a waste of time getting other peoples’ opinions on everything you do and say whilst there is every need to stand on your own two feet and start thinking for yourself.

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You are wasting energy trying to cultivate a relationship that is never going to work. A leopard cannot change its spots and neither can a Leo change their ways - as someone who is trying to alter one of your long-held beliefs or habits is about to find out. Time to consider calling it a day.

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Aggression will not help a protracted problem but it does breed more of the same. Walk away from someone who thinks force will win the day. Retreating from an intense situation does not make you a coward but sends the right signal to whoever, that what you are arguing about isn’t worth the hassle.

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Strong reactions and complex emotions need an outlet before they transfer themselves into anger and frustration. You can’t stand by and witness or be a victim of cruelty or discrimination. Join a cause or crusade and do all in your power to right wrongs without perverting the course of justice.

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With Mars opposed by Neptune, be prepared to make a break with the past and ready yourself mentally and physically for a new future. Out of the shattered mould of familiar habits and routines instilled in your informative years a new more reliant, independent you will emerge: healthier for all.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Turning a blind eye to an accident you know is waiting to happen could lead to sadness, guilt or regret later. Take matters into your hands by replacing anything dangerous or worn-out in your world and do whatever necessary to reduce the chances of a disaster. Not a time to kid yourself.

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It’s appropriate to take a sneaky approach to achieve the results you’re aiming for in a job or health situation. Following the rules and bowing to bureaucracy is a waste of time, money and effort. Cut through the red tape before it’s too late but be warned of whistle blowers around you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You’re deluding yourself over the reason you are sharing your life with someone. See a relationship as it really is and not how you want it to be. Unless you get real as to your needs and those of your partner you’ll hurt each other in the long run. Do nothing until you’re sure of what you have to offer one another.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Quiet, private places are calling you but work and responsibility get in the way. Tension leads you to ducking out of confrontation as your escapist tendencies are very well-developed now. Take time out to consider your life - there’s a big chance you’re getting things out of perspective.

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