
A power struggle with an official figure will not end well for you. Instead of voicing your opposition to a stupid plan, go with the programme. This leadership problem will only be evident after a grave error is made. If you're tired of working for someone who is obviously less capable and talented, think of starting your own business. It will take time to get the financing for your project, so be patient. Meanwhile, treat your current job as a launch pad to your dream career.

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Financial fluctuations have been getting you down. You're tired of having to postpone an exciting holiday because there is no money in the budget. Instead of pinching pennies, throw caution to the wind. Invest in your happiness, even if it means incurring some debt. Getting a change of scenery will give you a new lease on life. It may even inspire you to leave a dead end job for a career that is much more financially and emotionally rewarding. Take the plunge.

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Someone could give you a harsh criticism that shakes your foundations. You've always been proud of your work. When your contributions are mocked, you take it very personally. Take a few deep breaths before reacting to these cruel comments. There's a good chance the person who issued them really wants to hurt you. They may be jealous of how easy it seems for you to produce such impressive results. Instead of getting defensive, simply smile and thank them for their honesty. Your critic will shrivel like a salted snail.

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Big changes are occurring on the home front. A grown up youngster may leave the nest or you might decide to find another place to live. Such transitions can be incredibly stressful. That's why it's so important to be good to yourself. Take this opportunity to enjoy activities that bring you peace. This could mean anything from enjoying a solitary cup of coffee before anyone else wakes up to taking a walk on your lunch hour to luxuriating in a scented bath.

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You're attracted to someone who is unique and dramatic. Embarking on a romance will be cause for regret. You're a loyal and loving person. Falling in love with someone who is incapable of generosity will be a waste of valuable resources. Hold out for a partner who wants to build a life of comfort, beauty and joy together. Are you already in a relationship? If your partner behaves selfishly, speak up. There's no reason you should endure being treated like a second-class citizen.

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Losing a job isn't the end of the world. No matter what the market is like, you will find another position. You're intelligent, versatile and diligent. By sending out applications and attending job fairs on a regular basis, you'll find an employer that not only appreciates you, but pays a great salary. Are your nerves frayed? Take a break. Visit a country that is famous for its natural beauty. Connecting with the mountains, forest or beach will help you rediscover your equilibrium. The best is yet to be.

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You want your freedom, but a loved one needs to rely on you. Insisting on doing things your own way will drive a wedge between you. If you're going to have a close relationship, you must be accountable to your amour. This doesn't mean you must report all your movements, but they should be able to hold you to promises and know where you can be reached. Is the thought of being in an intimate alliance making you claustrophobic? Be honest and part ways as soon as possible.

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Be sure to wear safety equipment and take sensible precautions when working with heavy machinery and sharp tools. The last thing you want is a trip to the emergency room. If you don't care about your own well-being, think about how an injury will affect your loved ones. Do you really want to rely on your family while you recuperate? It's also important to remember words can be used as weapons. Resist the urge to post a nasty response to an ignorant remark on social media.

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Extreme views about religion, politics and social issues make you unhappy. By focusing too closely on one area, you neglect others that require attention. Your work and relationships will suffer. It will be difficult to take pleasure in the blessings you should enjoy. Take a few steps back from your pet cause, especially if it involves saving lives and protecting vulnerable creatures. Although this work is noble, it shouldn't be your sole reason for being. The more varied and interesting your life, the more effective you will be.

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A career disappointment makes you uncertain about the future. Usually, you are clear about what you want and where you are heading. This disruption makes it difficult to know if you are on your head or your feet. Instead of scrambling to make a fresh plan, turn your attention inward. What kind of work would you ideally like to perform? Have you always wanted to start your own business? Is it possible to take a break from work and enjoy a long holiday?

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Keep your eyes on the prize. If you're not making much progress towards a goal, persist. The best things in life are worth a prolonged fight. Your refusal to back down earns the respect of an accomplished executive. They'll be promoting your interests from behind the scenes. Don't be surprised when a door that has been sealed shut suddenly swings open. Thank your guardian angel. They may not be the most expressive person in the world, but they'll still appreciate a heartfelt note or thoughtful gift.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Ignoring a powerful impulse is a mistake. You've been blessed with a strong intuition. When you listen to its signals, you stumble into lucky situations as if by accident. There is really a method to this madness. Your subconscious is always pointing you towards fortunate alliances. By making friends with a newcomer, you'll pave the way to a string of opportunities. Don't be surprised when your new friend sets you up with a dream job or introduces you to a future romantic partner.

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