
It will be difficult to get the education you want. While you're waiting to be accepted into a program or find an instructor, stay busy. It might be helpful to take an internship or work as an apprentice. There's nothing more valuable than hands on experience. Although you won't enjoy performing background tasks, this work will be instructive. It will take time to reach your ultimate goal. As long as you keep taking small steps in the right direction, you can be proud of yourself.

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Financial difficulties are weighing on your mind. Part of the problem is trying to keep up appearances. Just because friends have certain status symbols doesn't mean you should have them. Be mindful with your money. Buy only the things that you will use on a regular basis. You can sweeten the pot with on occasional treat. For the most part, you should be saving as much of your income as possible. Savings will give you a greater measure of independence.

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You're reluctant to let down your guard with a romantic interest. Achieving career success is important, but it shouldn't eclipse your desire for companionship. If you're already in a partnership, try not to neglect your amour. You may have grown apart because one or both of you is working too hard. It's time to adjust the balance. Spending more quality time together will melt the ice that has developed. Soon, you'll be laughing and joking as you did when you first came together.

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Don't push yourself too hard, especially when it comes to physical exercise. Your quest for fitness is admirable, but it will be undermined if you injure yourself. Slow and steady wins the race. All this activity may be your way of coping with stress. Someone with impressive credentials keeps criticising you. It's discouraging to be the focus of negative attention. All these disheartening remarks are the result of jealousy. If this critic really wanted to help you, they'd offer some constructive advice.

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Being entrusted with the care of others can feel oppressive. You're afraid of hurting the people you don't understand. Instead of setting impossible standards of perfection, focus on doing your best. When you make a mistake, treat it as a learning opportunity. You'll soon be more comfortable in your role. Don't be surprised when you start getting positive feedback. You're a lot more caring and considerate than you realise. These qualities often get hidden beneath your superstar persona.

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Getting along with your family is difficult. You have very different needs. Don't be defensive or apologetic. Your unique outlook should be treated as an asset, not a liability. If your relatives try to change you, resist. Continue pursuing the work and hobbies you love. Eventually, you'll attain a level of success that cannot be disputed. At that point, all the disbelief will be replaced by grudging admiration. The strange thing is you won't crave anyone's approval after realising your dreams.

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Having a gloomy outlook will drive opportunity from your door. When thoughts of despair dampen your spirits, change gears. Listen to uplifting music. Watch a silly comedy. Surround yourself with positive people. Surrendering to discouragement will undermine your job prospects. If you are going on an interview, remember to smile. Talk about your problem solving abilities and your capacity as a team player. It may take some time to get the position you want, but it will be forthcoming.

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Although you're working hard, you don't have much money to show for it. It's time to find a more lucrative line of work. Unfortunately, you will have to take a job that doesn't allow much creative freedom. This is disappointing, but it can't be helped. Remember the situation is a means to an end. The more you save, the faster you will be able to find a different line of work. Focus on getting experience in your desired field while building a nest egg.

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Major responsibilities feel like a burden. You want to spend some time with family, but your schedule is too packed. It's time to make some changes. Delegating jobs to relatives, colleagues and housemates won't boost your popularity. You have to stand up for yourself if you're going to get some peace. If you're home life is unsatisfying, it will take time to find a better situation. Save up for a place of your own. Keep your plans secret until you're ready to make a move.

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Someone keeps stealing your thunder, which is distressing. While it seems like a less talented rival is getting all the glory, the truth is much different. The people who matter know who is doing all the hard work. They are simply waiting for the selfish member of the team to make an embarrassing mistake. At that point, you'll be able to sail ahead of the crowd. Don't discuss your resentment with other colleagues. Hold your comments for sympathetic friends and relatives.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Friends won't be able to give the help you expected. Try not to get upset. You will fare much better if you make your own way. A job that doesn't pay very well shouldn't be abandoned. You're acquiring some very good skills. Stay put until you've mastered them. The more experience you acquire, the easier it will be to land a lucrative position. Are you unemployed? Don't hesitate to accept an offer that is beneath your ability. You will quickly rise through the ranks.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Resist the temptation to compromise your values to get ahead. If you're working for a place that expects you to break regulations and cut corners, find a different job. You will be much happier working at an ethical operation. Don't worry how it will look if you leave a job abruptly. Life is too short to stay at a place that makes you miserable. Research can pay off. Find out which employers have a great reputation and apply for work at these companies.

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