
Be very careful about posting angry responses on social media sites. People will be trying to provoke you into making outrageous statements. Learn to sit back and take a few breaths before responding to insulting comments. If you're dealing with an online bully, don't get drawn into a protracted argument. It's better to block such a pest than waste valuable time and energy on them. When in doubt, give yourself a full day before making controversial posts or attacking someone who hurt you.

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Put yourself on a tight budget. If you continue to spend money at your current rate, you won't be able to cover an emergency expense. One of the best ways to save funds is to spend more time at home. When friends invite you to accompany them on expensive items, politely refuse. Explain you are cutting back on costly outings. When your loved ones understand you are in a tight financial spot, they'll try to accommodate you. Invite people over for dinner, card games and boxset movie marathons.

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You're about to revise some opinions. When someone confronts you with facts that fly in the face of your assumptions, be ready to accept them. Offer apologies to anyone you contradicted. There is no shame in admitting you are wrong and correcting your course. Once you embark on this new path, you'll gain some forward momentum. People will come forward to help you. Meeting your agenda will feel like a walk through the park, instead of an arduous mountain climb.

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Burning the candle at both ends has taken a toll on you. Slow down and smell the flowers. If this means reducing your work load, so be it. Your boss may be disappointed that you're no longer doing the work of two people, but that can't be helped. Even a diligent employee like you must take a break from time to time. Although it's not possible to take a long distance trip right now, you can enjoy a staycation. Enjoy the comforts of home as much as possible.

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It is time to unfriend someone on social media. Although you may have a long history together, that's no excuse for enduring hurtful posts. You don't have to make a big deal out of this gesture. Quietly block the pest and get on with your life. If you receive an angry message asking why you made this move, give a calm response. You have a right to maintain a respectful tone on your page. Those who are unwilling or unable to be kind have no place in your life.

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Treat delays on the career front as opportunities to recharge your batteries. It's important to slow down and get your bearings. While you will be able to advance, it will take longer than expected. That's why it's so important to take advantage of cancelled appointments and stalled meetings. When your schedule opens up, you can turn your attention to friends and family. Instead of going out to dinner with a business associate, prepare a comfort food meal with your nearest and dearest.

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If you've bitten off more than you can chew, scale back your schedule. Cancel appointments and trips that are filling you with dread. Turn your attention to daily responsibilities that have fallen through the cracks. Return phone calls, run errands and tidy up. You'll feel a profound sense of relief when your work pile starts to shrink. Narrowing your focus does not mean you are abandoning your dreams. You'll have a chance to pursue a lofty goal after you've cleared the decks.

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It will be difficult to maintain strong ties with someone who disappointed you. Until you get a sincere apology, it will be impossible to put your faith in them. If you have any joint financial ventures, it would be best to divest your money from them. Going solo will be scary but exhilarating. You'll have a chance to express your creative side without fear of stepping on your partner's toes. Take this opportunity to launch a daring project. Flying in the face of convention will get you plenty of attention.

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Adjusting to a partner's schedule will take time, patience and effort. You are naturally flexible, but don't like changing your ways to accommodate someone else. Instead of dwelling on your resentment, think about all the kind deeds your amour has done for you. This is simply a chance to return some of the love that has been so generously given to you. When you make an effort to make both your lives easier, you strengthen your bond. Any challenges that occur will be met with laughter instead of silence.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Work smarter, not faster. Rushing through jobs will cause embarrassing errors. It's better to assume a slow and steady pace. When you receive confusing instructions, ask for clarification before plunging in. If your employer presses you to ramp up your activity, explain you are worried about making errors. By checking and double checking your progress throughout the day, you'll meet your deadline with time to spare. Rushing will only force you to do a job over again, wasting valuable time, money and effort.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't rush too quickly into a romance. Slow down and get to know the object of your affection. Someone who seems like your ideal amour at first glance may not be well suited to you. First and foremost, you require a partner who can give you lots of intellectual stimulation. If you've hooked up with a person who looks fantastic but isn't terribly bright, there will be problems. You also require an amour who isn't worried about fitting in. Stay away from status seekers.

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It's time to put stricter controls on your home life. Recently, people have been dropping in at all hours. While you enjoyed their company, these visits have disturbed your peace. It's time to dim the lights and hang a 'do not disturb' sign on the front door. Be honest about your need for quiet. People who truly care will respect your boundaries and drop by when it's more convenient. Those who persist in pounding on your door should be told to back off. Stop accommodating them.

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