
Pouring all your energy into work will do damage to your personal life. It is possible to be successful without neglecting your family. If you're single, stop insisting you are too busy for romance. Someone who appreciates your bravery and humour wants to have a relationship. Turning them away will be a serious cause for regret. Agree to go on a date. Are you already in a relationship? Set aside one day each week for intimacy. Give your amour the time and respect they deserve.

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Resist the temptation to make fun of someone for their beliefs. A person who has strange ideas deserves being treated with dignity. Making jokes at their expense will backfire. Kind people will turn against you. Treat this situation as an opportunity to exercise compassion. Your kindness will set the tone for an unlikely friendship. Those who prompt immediate judgments have the most to teach us. The sooner you lose this impulse to feel superior to others, the happier you will be.

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Problems with a partner's insurance, taxes or inheritance will sap your energy. When dealing with huge bureaucratic messes, it's best to pace yourself slowly. Set a small, manageable goal each day. After crossing this item off your list of things to do, you'll be able to rest, relax and enjoy life. Getting worked up about money is a terrible mistake. It will be much easier to achieve victory if you maintain a positive attitude. When you're dealing with stubborn officials, make it your mission to win them over.

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Letting someone walk all over you will set a dangerous precedent. It's hard for a compassionate person like you to deal with bullies. You don't understand their motivation. Instead of obsessing over why they are behaving in such a toxic way, learn to protect yourself. Whenever someone tries to torment you, look them straight in the eye and tell them to stop. If they persist, critique their behaviour in a public forum. They'll slink away like a salted snail.

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If you are going to enjoy job security, you must improve your relationships with colleagues. Resist the urge to treat people disrespectfully, even when they say offensive things. Inappropriate words and behaviour should be reported to human resources or the company owner. Your job is to be productive and cooperative. Practicing tolerance will pave the way to a promotion. It will also make your work life more pleasant. Cultivating perpetual contentment is one of the most valuable skills you will ever acquire.

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This is not the time to gamble. Although you are tired of the old routine, there are still lessons to be learned from this regime. Stick with it. When your energy starts to flag, meet with a friend who makes you laugh. This lovely relationship could become a romance, if you're so inclined. Do you already have a partner? Return to the early days of your courtship. Candlelit dinners, intimate encounters and lavish gifts will rekindle your mutual passion.

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Unhappy memories threaten to undermine your progress. Stop telling yourself you aren't talented enough to realise your dreams. Tell your inner critic you are no longer listening to its negativity. Surround yourself with optimists. At first, you'll find their upbeat attitudes hopelessly naive. Be patient. The more time you spend together, the easier it will be to accentuate the positive. Obstacles that once held you fast will vanish into thin air. Best of all, you'll gain a zest for life that is indestructible.

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An aggressive individual will demand special privileges. Be prepared to challenge their outrageous behaviour. While everyone else cowers, you will demand justice. Don't be surprised when you gain fame and acclaim for your brave stance. Lately, bullies have been enjoying a resurgence. It's up to decent people like you to set them straight. Defending the rights of a vulnerable person will cause witnesses to regain their faith in humanity. Best of all, your courage will inspire others to address issues with those in power.

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An argument over money isn't worth your time or effort. Be prepared to walk away from this struggle, even if it means losing funds that are rightfully yours. The Universe is testing you. By demonstrating faith in its endless bounty, you will emerge the victor. You'll go on to earn wealth that is completely yours. Digging in your heels will make you bitter. Don't give your power away to a greedy person who wants you to make you miserable.

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Pulling a power play on a romantic partner or close friend is a mistake. Examine this impulse to dominate others, especially those who are special to you. The sooner you stop competing, the richer your relationships will become. When you have a choice between being kind and being right, always pick the former. Are you being asked to make a personal sacrifice for the sake of your loved one? Explore your heart. It will tell you to do the generous thing.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A secret enemy is causing problems for you. Be wary of confiding in colleagues. Someone who wants your job will spread the details of your private life throughout the office. This is the last thing you need. You've never been especially discreet, preferring to treat your life like an open book. While this attitude is courageous, it could get you into trouble with manipulative people. When anyone asks you a direct question, have a noncommittal response prepared. Don't tip your hand to anyone.

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Selfish behaviour will undermine a friendship. Instead of thinking about your own ways, find ways to serve someone who has always been kind to you. The help you offer could be as simple as running a few errands on their behalf to cooking some meals for the week ahead. It doesn't matter what form your assistance takes. The important thing is to show your loyalty to a loved one. Your business can wait until later. Your kind gesture will pay off in unexpected ways.

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