
Beauty will take on an added importance over the next few weeks. This is an excellent time to spruce up your wardrobe, decorate your office space, or buy handsome pieces of furniture for your home. Don't mind the expense too much. You work very hard for your money; what's the point unless you have something lovely to show for it? You could also receive some expensive gifts. Accept them with an open and grateful heart.

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The next four weeks highlight your sex appeal, so make the most of it. Making the rounds of parties and social gatherings is sure to work to your benefit. If you're single, you'll attract a bevy of admirers. If you're attached, you'll be reminded of what a hot commodity you really are. This is a great period for getting a makeover, updating your hairstyle, or toning up. Your efforts will turn heads wherever you go.

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You'll be in a dreamy, contemplative mood for the next four weeks, which is quite attractive. A secret admirer could confess their love for you. Alternatively, you may embark in a quiet romance. However you decide to spend this period, you can be sure that it will ignite your imagination. Take this opportunity to launch a creative project. You'll be pleasantly surprised at what your imagination comes up with.

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You'll be in great demand on the social scene, which is extremely flattering. Don't plan on getting much rest over the next four weeks, since your presence will be expected at every party and social gathering imaginable. You're destined to meet plenty of spiritual types who seem like kindred spirits. Embarking on a group creative project could give you a sense of contentment you've never felt before.

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Authority figures are bound to bestow you with lots of praise, particularly female superiors. It's as though you can do no wrong. This is an especially good time to show off your artistic abilities. Going on auditions, displaying your work to the public, or submitting a manuscript to agents are all favoured activities. Stop telling yourself that you don't have the experience or credentials to reach the top. You've got something more important: talent!

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You're in the mood for a change of pace, and should look into taking an exotic vacation. Warming your bones on a tropical island may be just the thing to lift your spirits. Be sure to pack plenty of becoming outfits, as you're sure to attract romance wherever you go. Of course, you'll want to take along your beloved if you're already in a relationship. Go ahead and splurge on luxury accommodations.

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If you could benefit from a grant, loan, or scholarship, now is the time to act. Potential benefactors will find it practically impossible to refuse your requests. Hedge your bets by applying to as many institutions as possible. You may be delighted to find several organisations are willing to give you the money and resources you need to pursue a personal project. The world is your oyster, and a pearl-filled one at that!

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A close friendship or romance will give you plenty of comfort over the next four weeks. If you're feeling afraid or adrift, don't hesitate to call on this person for help. Their soothing words of assurance will give you the courage you seek. If you've been thinking about making a serious commitment to someone special, now is the time to act. Your amour will be happy to take your relationship to the next level.

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If you've had trouble with colleagues in the past, now is the time to mend fences. Make an extra effort to appreciate their contributions and offer help when they seem overwhelmed. The more giving you are, the more generous they'll be. You may not see the benefit of being so kind now. In a few months' time, you may be glad you took the time to build such strong relationships with your associates.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Romantic and social opportunities should abound between now and early April. If you have small children, be sure to devote extra time to their care. Otherwise, they may feel neglected or left out. The fact is, everybody seeks your company right now. A smooth-talking sensualist could catch your eye at a work-related party. Be sure to get this person's name and phone number before they vanish into thin air!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Family gatherings can give you a sense of peace and contentment that's eluded you all winter. If you're not on speaking terms with certain family members, this is a good time to smooth any differences between you. Letting go of old resentments is essential to your happiness. Of course, if these folks don't intend to change their ways, then you may be better off avoiding them. Still, you do need to put your anger to rest.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Public relations, advertising, and promotional activities are all favoured between now and April. If you've been looking for work, send out a bunch of CV's and covering letters. Launching a business is also favoured, as is showing off your creative work. If you'd like to venture into unfamiliar territory you should explore the opportunities available to you from a totally new enterprise or endeavour. It could be just what you need to give you the impetus and momentum you seek.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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