
A fulfilling sexual encounter could be in the works today. If you're single, be sure to head out to a party. You could meet a mysterious stranger in some shadowy corner. The attraction you feel will be instantaneous; neither of you will be able to ignore it. In the event you have been haggling over a divorce settlement, insurance payout or inheritance, a favourable decision could be rendered in the next few days.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Your love life bursts into flower today, making you flush with excitement. You could get some encouragement from a secret crush. Alternatively, you may bump into someone who seems to complete you in some profound way. In the event you are already in a relationship, you could stumble on a new lovemaking technique that thrills you to the bone. If you've just ended a romance, never fear. A better candidate is on the way.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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If you've been working hard on your health, you could see some exciting benefits today. Go out and celebrate with a svelte new outfit or a head-to-toe makeover. There's never been a better time to celebrate yourself. It's also possible that big changes are on the horizon at your workplace. Never fear; these transitions will put you in a much better position, even if you have to leave your current job.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Getting engaged or married could be a distinct possibility on this magical day. If you're in a new relationship, the two of you may decide to move in together. In the event you're already committed to someone special, a baby could be on the way. Is love your last priority? Then get to work on a creative project. The fruits of your labour could set you on the path to fame and fortune.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Big improvements are slated for your home, so be prepared! If you're looking for a new place, you could find one that is spacious, sunlit and affordable. There's a good chance this spot is right near a beautiful body of water. In the event you are happy with your current abode, you may add a new member to your household. A baby, roommate or lover could come to share your space. What a blissful addition!

Get todays Leo horoscope
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If you've been feeling restless, there's never been a better time to take a short-distance trip. Visiting a close relative or friend will prove a satisfying diversion. This journey may even prompt you to write a book, short story or screenplay. Your intellect is as sharp as a tack. Taking a crash course or full time study seems like a good idea now. Go and take the plunge. You've always had a knack for research.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Money has been an increasing concern over the past few months. Fortunately, the answer to a salary request will be positive. If you've been looking for a job, you could be granted one in the next few days. Don't worry if you're expected to work on a commission basis. Your natural gift for salesmanship will turn a huge profit. Your luck is starting to improve, especially with regard to your finances.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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It looks as though you'll receive some surprising news that affects you personally. A romantic partner could propose. You may have to relocate for the sake of your job. It's even possible that an old relationship will break apart, making way for a new independent lifestyle. Whatever the changes ahead, you will benefit from them in the long run. You'd rather be moving forward than standing still. Life is a constant process of evolution.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A profound revelation prompts you to make changes to your private life. It's no longer necessary to put up a front in order to accommodate someone else. Now the truth is out, you can go where you want to go and do what you want to do. Friends will admire your courage, and offer support if you're faced with hostility. Take solace in your loved ones' words. You're on the right path.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're more determined than ever to realise a cherished dream. Not only are things opening up on the career front, but you're also getting support from your loved ones. If this means leaving a secure position for a riskier venture, so be it. You'll only kick yourself later if you don't seize this opportunity. Opening your own business, living abroad or developing a creative talent are among the many possibilities for you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Surprise announcements on the career front could throw you for a loop. Never fear; it looks as though the results will be positive for you. An authority figure could leave, opening a space at the head of your department. Don't be surprised if you're asked to take the job. Alternatively, you could get word of an exciting opportunity in your desired field. Waste no time in applying. This position could be right up your alley.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Issues relating to publishing, the law or academics could affect your future in surprising ways. If you've ever wanted to earn a living as a writer, now is the time to try. In the event you are involved in a lawsuit, a satisfying resolution could be at hand. On the other hand, you may be given a chance of further education and get an advanced degree. The old ways are giving way to fresh vistas.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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