
It's time to formulate a strategy about a domestic problem. Spending more time with your family will make you feel stable and secure. Lately, you've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Maybe it's time to cut back your social schedule. If you want to see friends, invite them over to your place. Do you live alone? Does your home feel cold and forbidding? Adding some warm touches like rich colours, tactile fabrics and comfortable furniture will tempt you to stay home more.

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Working with a partner will be more fun than you think. You're good at handling the practical details, while your collaborator can deal with the more whimsical aspects of this project. It feels great to work alongside someone who marvels at your organisational skills. In the past, people have taken your contributions for granted. That won't be the case with this endeavour. If you're trying to attract business, schedule a talk with potential clients and customers. It's hard to resist that velvet voice of yours.

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This is a good time to establish a routine. Create a schedule that strikes a nice balance between your personal and professional lives. You're the type of person who needs plenty of intellectual stimulation outside of work. If you've been spending too much time at the office, reduce your hours. This may mean less money, but you can't put a price on happiness. You might even decide to take a job with unconventional hours so you can play sports or spend more time outdoors.

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You are proud of your accomplishments and justifiably so. Go ahead and brag to friends and family about your latest accomplishment. Post it on a social networking site. Throw a party in your own honour. You're always making a fuss over others. Why not command the spotlight now that luck is smiling on you? A powerful business executive has developed a crush on you. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship so long as you don't get lost in their shadow.

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Looking after an ailing friend, neighbour, or relative brings you a lot of pleasure. That's because you have so much love to give. It feels like a gift being able to lavish affection on someone who needs it. If you feel lonely, consider adopting a pet from your local animal shelter. You could find a devoted friend who enriches your own life. Of course you'll have to alter your daily routine, but this will be a minor sacrifice. Keep the big picture in mind and keep moving forward.

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Taking a demanding class will give you a new lease on life. You're tired of doing the same old routine work day after day. Learning a skill or immersing yourself in a history lesson will give you an attractive glow. Don't be surprised if you develop a crush on your instructor. You're impressed by their depth and breadth of knowledge, while they appreciate your quick wit. Together, you make a terrific team. Wait until class is over before embarking on a romance.

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Establishing a stable foundation is your first priority. Normally, you long for a life of excitement. Moving from one place to another gives you a thrill. You also enjoy a variety of relationships, both romantic and platonic. The thought of spending your life with one person is daunting. Recently your restlessness has started to subside. You're starting to enjoy the prospect of settling down in a beautiful home with a treasured companion. If you don't own a home, start saving for a deposit.

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You're eager to embark on a romantic adventure. Travelling to somewhere scenic, designing a clothing line and writing a novel are all possibilities. If you've recently fallen head over heels for someone, now is a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time together. Sneak off to some quiet retreat with your amour. The two of you enjoy great conversations. What's even more important is your ability to sit together in companionable silence. Are you in a relationship? Let your partner pamper you.

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Making a sacrifice for a loved one is no trouble at all. If you need to work while a relative or romantic partner pursues a dream, so be it. Of course, this doesn't mean you have to kiss your own social life goodbye. It's still important for you to spend time with friends, despite your increased responsibilities. Expect to be overwhelmed in the early stages of this new arrangement. It times time to get used to a different way of life, even for a flexible person like you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Breaking away from the crowd feels liberating. You're not satisfied with the direction of your job. Launching a little side business will be a welcome challenge. Instead of asking permission to put good ideas into practice, you'll make all the executive decisions. Luckily, your best friend or romantic partner is enthusiastic about your plans. Lean on your loved one for support. It's not easy walking the tightrope without a net, but you will make it to the other side.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A lofty goal is within arm's reach. All you need to do is stay the course and victory will be yours. Colleagues are excited about your progress and will do everything within their power to help. That's what comes from being such a generous collaborator. You're not interested in grabbing all the glory for yourself. In this instance, you will get all the credit for this masterpiece and rightly so. If it weren't for your vision and bravery, this acorn could have never grown into an oak.

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You're ready for an adventure. If this means doing something wild and unpredictable, so be it. Lately, it feels like you've been at your family's beck and call. Going on a long trip will give you a chance to reconnect with your spirit. At long last, you'll be able to set your own schedule, instead of bending over backwards to meet everyone else's needs. Going back to the classroom is a distinct possibility. You long to develop your creative potential with the help of an accomplished teacher.

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