
You aren't afraid to take on heavy responsibilities, since it gives you satisfaction to tackle tough jobs. However, you may be draining yourself of valuable energy that could be better spent elsewhere. For instance, is all the time you're putting in paying off in a material way? Unless you're doing this work for spiritual reasons, you should raise your rates or find less difficult ways of earning money. Otherwise, you could burn out fast.

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You have big dreams, but may not be willing to take the actions necessary to realise them. Perhaps you're afraid that if you don't meet your goals, you'll have nothing left to hope for. Maybe you don't believe you have what it takes to succeed. It's also possible you're just too tired to embark on a new adventure. Whatever the reason, remember you have one life to live. Make the most of it.

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Certain limitations are being imposed on you, making you angry and frustrated. Although this situation is unfair, you need to find ways of getting around it rather than giving up altogether. If you can find another avenue for your talents, try that. In the event you are stuck in one area, though, focus on improving your techniques so that nobody can claim you're incapable of doing the work. A little determination goes a long way.

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Unexpected expenses and hidden costs are coming to light, making you anxious and afraid. Don't let money concerns destroy a good friendship. If you need a loan, write down the terms, and have the paper signed by a witness. That way, there won't be any confusion about what you owe. It's never easy to go to others for help, but if it's going to ease immediate pressures, do it. You could use some breathing room.

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Strict rules are being imposed by someone who seems irrational and unpredictable. Your first impulse may be to challenge their authority, but hold on. You may need this person's help further down the road. Explain why their orders are impeding your progress as diplomatically as you can. Avoid sarcasm, and offer alternative methods that can speed the process along. This approach will make life easier and preserve your relationship.

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You may be handed responsibilities that fall outside your scope of expertise. Don't be afraid to admit that you're totally in the dark. Otherwise, your ignorance will be revealed through your work. Asking for formal training isn't a waste of time and money; it's an investment that will pay off indefinitely. Yes, you can use this knowledge to your personal benefit later, but your superiors will also profit from your education, too.

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It's tempting to lavish a loved one with all sorts of expensive goodies, but hold on. Consider whether you're trying to buy this person's affection. You shouldn't have to go into debt to secure your relationship. Chances are, this person will love you just as much if you give them your time and affection. In the event your amour isn't pleased with these offerings, you may want to find a more promising relationship.

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Your emotions are running up and down like a roller coaster, and it's affecting a close relationship. Stop taking out bitter disappointments on a loved one. You should be asking this person for comfort, not accusing them of disloyalty. Maybe the reason you're lashing out is because you hate looking vulnerable. Let go of your fears and open your heart to the warmth and affection your friend can give. Your tough act isn't fooling anyone.

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Impatience could cause lots of problems if you're not careful. Stop trying to speed things up, or an unfortunate mistake could ensue. Maybe you feel guilty about putting things off until the last minute. If that's the case, get started on some projects that seem a long way away. Before you know it, you'll be grappling with those deadlines. Save yourself angst by doing things in a timely fashion. It's all about creating good habits.

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Your finances are fairly unstable, which makes you nervous. It's hard for you to relax unless you are surrounded by creature comforts. Instead of lamenting over the things you don't have, make a list of ten activities you enjoy that cost very little money. Devoting yourself to these pastimes will take your mind off money matters. Ironically, it will be much easier to recoup your losses once your enthusiasm returns.

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Disregarding your loved ones' wants and needs is a sure road to disaster. Although you've got your heart set on certain plans, you may need to postpone them for the sake of the group. Instead of getting angry, think back to times when these individuals performed considerate acts for you. This is your chance to return the favour. Never fear; you'll have a chance to pursue your agenda. However, now isn't the best time.

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The more specialised your talents, the more money you will make. Right now, you may not have skills that distinguish you from the rest of the crowd. Becoming adept in a field that is both rare and desirable can help you get the high-paying jobs you want. Don't bother venturing into an industry that bores you to death, however. You're better off exploring an area that has always fascinated you. Your hidden talents are surfacing.

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