
Your pioneer spirit is stronger than ever. Look on the internet for a group, club or team that will help you get a project off the ground. It will be fun working with fellow visionaries. Instead of scorning your ideas, your peers will praise them. An empowering change is ahead. A social injustice is making you angry. Raising awareness about this issue is as simple as writing a thoughtful post on social media. Present the facts in a measured, sensible way. When people discover what is going on, they'll come together to deal with the problem.

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Trust your feelings about a career prospect. Taking a job at a cutting-edge company will be rewarding, both financially and creatively. You've always been good at turning dreams into reality. Collaborating with a visionary will make you even more imaginative. When it comes to friendship, you are loyal and dependable. That's why so many of your loved ones contact you at the first sign of trouble. You may not realise it, but many of these people are eager to repay the favours you are always bestowing.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Shaking up a stuffy institution is lots of fun. You have no intention of following stupid rules and upholding biased attitudes. At first, you'll be treated as an agitator. When people realise you have great ideas, they'll support your crusade. Your sense of humour makes it easier to endure an uncomfortable situation. Laughing at a rude person's behaviour will take the wind out of their sails. It will also cause your popularity to soar. Everyone admires your ability to keep the atmosphere light and friendly.

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You'll be asked to assume more responsibility at work. Accepting additional assignments will cause your professional profile to soar. If your boss doesn't give you a promotion, you'll be offered a better job by a rival company. Exercising your leadership skills will be rewarding. Don't feel pressured to share personal information with a nosy individual. In this time of reality television, many people lack boundaries. That doesn't mean your life should be an open book. Be polite but firm when refusing to answer invasive questions.

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Embarking on an adventure fills you with excitement. Cautious types are worried about your safety. Reassure them that you're taking all necessary precautions. This confidence serves you well. Be ready to realise a whole new level of achievement. Praise someone who is working hard with little reward. Leave a gift card for the person who cleans your office. Compliment everyone who is making your task easier. Thank the postie. You get the idea. Showing you appreciation brings unexpected rewards.

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The best way to inspire a friend is to concentrate on their positive points. Shaming or scolding someone will only make them more determined to rebel. If your loved one is going to embrace a healthier lifestyle, they need to feel worthy. When it comes to work, you take great pride in doing an excellent job. If someone criticises your performance, you take it to heart. Rather than getting hurt, decide whether these comments have merit. There could be an opportunity to improve.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You'll make a great impression in a chat room or group conversation. People appreciate how you listen attentively and only speak when you have something important to say. This reluctance to command the spotlight will pave the way to a rewarding relationship. When you assume that everything will work to your benefit, obstacles vanish into thin air. This principle applies to both your personal and professional lives. Stop dwelling on what could go wrong; it's a waste of energy.

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Your boss will give you a job requiring precision and accuracy. It's nice to be trusted with such important work. After finishing this project, you should suggest a raise. You are worth your weight in gold. Earning more money will boost your confidence. It's impossible to hide your feelings from the one you love. Arrange to meet in tranquil place when you are next able to. The time for superficial chitchat is over. It will be such a relief to connect in a meaningful way.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're popular with everyone, thanks to your light-hearted approach to life. When people make mistakes, you don't dwell on them. Instead, you congratulate them for trying and offer to help with subsequent tries. This generous attitude is greatly appreciated, winning you lifelong friends. A teaching opportunity will fall into your lap. Sharing your expert knowledge with eager students will be rewarding. A tech savvy pupil will be able to show you how to operate a cutting-edge software programme.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Family is your focus. Now you're devoting more time to your nearest and dearest this reminds you of what is truly important. Put career concerns aside for the sake of domestic pursuits. Cooking with your kin can bring the entire group closer together. Is someone trying to draw you into an argument? Don't take the bait. You're happiest when minding your own business. If colleagues have a disagreement, they must work it out among themselves. You must attend to your own duties.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Knowledge is power. Learn as much about a subject you've recently come across in a blog post, magazine or documentary. You'll soak up this information like a sponge. All this intellectual stimulation gives you an attractive sparkle that's hard to ignore. People are especially receptive to you, so it's a great time to arrange a date for when the restaurants open, apply for a job or a bank loan. Don't worry if you've been rejected in the past. The tide is turning in your favour.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're good-natured and easy going. If you want this relaxed energy to stay with you, it's best to try and find yourself a tranquil corner. Enjoying some peace and quiet will pave the way to a creative or a personal breakthrough. Follow an impulse to write, play music or paint. Instead of showing your first draft to others, continue to work on it until you are satisfied. That way, you won't be influenced by a well-intentioned critic. Let instinct be your guide; it won't let you down.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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