
Communicating openly and honestly about financial issues can greatly improve a relationship. Stop letting your worries fester and come clean with your partner. Part of your problem may be you lack the knowledge to make sound investments. Fortunately, this dilemma is easily remedied. Take a course in money management. Reading books and primers is all well and good, but it's no substitute for personal instruction.

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A well-meaning friend could give you some perfectly awful advice; it's best to keep your own counsel. This is especially true with regard to money and sex. You're much more assertive than usual right now, which makes it easier to pursue your dreams. And while conventional wisdom dictates you shouldn't take undue risks, you're ready to try something daring. Follow your instincts; they won't steer you wrong.

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Disagreements over work methodologies could really undermine your productivity. This isn't a good time to express your anger, as emotional outbursts will damage your reputation. You're better off channelling your frustrations into a creative project of some kind. Never fear; you'll be able to address your problems in a few days time. Right now, you've got to keep quiet. This won't be easy for an expressive person like you, but try anyway!

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Controversial topics like religion and politics should be avoided like the plague. Fighting always has a negative effect on your health, and you need to feel on top form right now. That's because an old dream is finally within arm's reach. The opportunity to take a trip or fitness class could fall into your lap. Don't mess up your chances by voicing your opposition to somebody's belief system. Let diplomacy be your watchword today.

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If you're not being sexually satisfied by your partner, be very tactful. You wouldn't want to bruise your lover's ego with an insensitive comment. Yes, this situation is frustrating, but it can be remedied, provided you're very gentle. A show of courage could get the passion flowing back into your lives. Take a bold gamble or become more aggressive about lovemaking. You may be astonished at how eagerly your amour responds.

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Power struggles at home could be undermining an intimate relationship. If friends or relatives dislike your choice of romantic partner, you'll have to take a stand. Otherwise, your love life will suffer from lack of nourishment. True, you may have to hurt your family in the process. That's better than letting your relations dictate your life, isn't it? Be strong and move toward the life you desire. You're more powerful than you realise.

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You're being swept along in a tide of obligations, which makes you feel powerless and weak. Put an end to this situation by joining forces with an experienced professional. An accountant, lawyer, or teacher can show you valuable techniques for taking control of your situation. Make sure you choose somebody with whom you can communicate easily. Getting this person's guidance will make all the difference. There is a light at the end of this tunnel.

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Financial restrictions may prevent you from pursuing the artistic career you've always wanted. That shouldn't mean you should give up on your talent altogether. By devoting an hour each day to your favourite hobby, you can satisfy your creative urges. It may be a wise idea to cultivate relationships with people who are in your desired industry. This is the easiest way to gain entrance to your dream profession.

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Your emotions are running away with you, which makes it difficult to think. You're reluctant to exert your personal power, for fear of alienating someone you love. Until you take a strong stance, however, your domestic life will continue to spiral out of control. The fact is, you have to make decisions for both of you right now. And although your beloved will rebel at first, they'll eventually admit you took the right course.

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Equipment failure and technical breakdowns could impede your progress. Instead of forcing the issue, take a break. There's no point in creating more stress for yourself. If people are waiting for materials from you, explain the difficulties you've been experiencing. By assuming an air of authority, you'll put their anxieties at ease. People will have more faith in your abilities if you seem unaffected by these problems. Stay calm, cool, and collected.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You may have to revise some financial plans if you're going to go forward with a dream project. Last-minute obstacles could block your path, but that doesn't mean you should give up hope altogether. The more resourceful you are, the quicker you can breathe life back into this endeavour. You may want to approach family members for a loan or emotional support. Your relatives will be happy to provide any assistance you need.

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An authority figure may be threatened by the way you express your ideas. Part of the problem is your superiors are used to seeing you operate from behind the scenes. It may be better to adopt a humble approach, even if you have total confidence in your plans. You may have to go above and beyond the call of duty to pull this project off, but the sacrifice will be worth it.

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