
When you're trying to deal with a problem, be open to hearing some constructive criticism. It's possible your desire to resolve an issue is being perceived as aggressive. Try being less intense. Ask for feedback and be attentive to the answers. If you disagree with what is said, remain calm. Take some time to think through what has been said to see if it has any validity at all. Your willingness to put your ego aside for the sake of the team will do your reputation no end of good.

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The sooner you let go of resentment, the happier you will be. It's not necessary to forgive someone who shows no sign of changing. It is important to release their power over you. By forging a new life centred on the things you value and enjoy, you'll move past this unfortunate relationship. Instead of thinking about your tormentor with anger, you'll only feel pity for them. That's because you will have reached higher ground, while they remain stuck in a prison of their own making.

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Asserting yourself is critical to getting what you want. You've always been a flexible person who is willing to go with the flow. Sometimes this ability to compromise gets used against you. People have come to expect you will take the path of least resistance. Consequently, they have learned to press their agenda until you back down. Don't make that mistake when it comes to issues that are dear to your heart. It's especially important to tell your romantic partner what you want to be satisfied.

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Give yourself a break. Yes, you're a flawed individual, but you're trying hard to overcome your shortcomings. Whenever you have a setback, take a deep breath. Don't let yourself get thrown into a shame spiral. Instead, make a list of five positive steps you've taken over the past year. Congratulate yourself for pursuing your goals. When you fall short of them, reflect. Ask yourself how you can avoid similar problems from occurring again. Above all, talk to yourself in a kind and caring voice.

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Instead of thinking in terms of what is best for you, explore how you can help your nearest and dearest. Spending quality time with your favourite person will ease some of the resentment that has weakened your bond. It's important to show you are willing to make personal sacrifices for the sake of your loved one. Once they see you backing up words with actions, they'll let down their defences. Whenever coldness sets into a relationship, it's usually because somebody feels they're being neglected.

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Creating a secure foundation is your first priority. Whether this means putting a deposit on a house, taking out an insurance policy or starting a retirement fund is up to you. The important thing is to take steps to protect yourself against economic uncertainty. Are you drowning in bills? Give serious thought to downsizing your lifestyle. Moving to a less expensive place will allow you to pay off bills and sleep easier. There's no shame in taking the fiscally responsible route.

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You'll get a wonderful chance to fill in the gaps of your knowledge. When faced with a daunting task, ask for help. Your employer could pay for additional job training. Are you interested in developing creative skills or emotional intelligence? Enrol in a course with a good reputation. Learning makes your confidence soar. It's comforting to have an arsenal of wisdom on which to draw. Be open to studying with a teacher who is much older or younger. The age gap between you will be beneficial.

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This is a good time to wrap up financial deals. If you applied for a raise, you could be given one. Splash out on something nice for yourself. Have you been looking for a more lucrative job? You could be offered one with lots of responsibility. Although the workload will be intense, you'll enjoy most of your duties. Getting paid to show off your expertise will be emotionally rewarding. You always fare best when doing work that commands respect.

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It's important to be good to yourself, especially when others depend on you. Take this opportunity to enjoy some rest and relaxation. For you, this could mean anything from planning an elaborate trip to browsing for reading material at the library to taking a challenging course. Anything involving mind expansion will put a spring in your step. When others demand help, tell them to wait. You'll be happy to assist them once you enjoy some 'me' time. You've earned it.

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The sooner you release impossible standards of perfection; the less stressful life will become. It's admirable you want to be the best. A tendency to push yourself hard has resulted in great achievements. Continually setting the bar higher and higher is a game of diminishing returns. Allow yourself to be a normal human being. Instead of assuming more responsibility, make time for quiet reflection. Solitary, no pressure pursuits like communing with nature and taking naps will be therapeutic.

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Working with a team will give you a deeper appreciation for other people's intelligence. You've always been a visionary. Many times, your thinking is so far ahead of the curve you feel alienated. You wonder if you're the only person who has the courage to try something different. As soon as you get involved in a collaboration, you'll realise there are many people who are willing to forge a new frontier. Sometimes they'll agree with you and others they'll offer alternative solutions.

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Striking a healthier balance between your home and work life is important. Although your family loves and needs you, it's important for you to have a meaningful career. If that means relocating to a different city, moving into your own place or spending less time at home, so be it. Anyone who tries to lay a guilt trip on you should be stopped in their tracks. Make it clear you will not be emotionally manipulated into giving up a good job. Your first loyalty is to yourself.

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