
Don't be afraid to confess your feelings for the object of your affection. It's better to know where you stand than wonder what might have been. If you're in a relationship, take this opportunity to show your love and affection. A lavish gift can do the trick. Has work been draining? Take this opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Sneaking off to a waterside retreat will be therapeutic. Instead of finding the time for an extended break, make it.

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You'll get a rare opportunity to realise a cherished dream. If your best friend or romantic partner has been urging you to get an advanced degree, display your creative work or change jobs, you should go for it. Help from unseen sources will arrive. Undergoing advanced training will boost your professional and personal prospects. Not only will getting a degree or certificate help you find a better job, but it will also put you in contact with influential people.

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You don't have to work for a corporate entity to be successful. Volunteering to help a charitable organisation could be good for you in many ways. Doing what you love is the key to a rewarding career. Don't listen to cynics who are urging you to sell out. When you become discouraged, spend time on soothing solitary activities. Sharing your thoughts and feelings, communing with nature and contemplative spiritual practices will keep you grounded. It will be easy to take chances in your professional life when you feel safe and settled.

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Don't be afraid to lean into love. If you've been hurt in the past, that doesn't mean you are doomed to living single. Open your heart to someone who has demonstrated themselves to be a trustworthy person. There's a chance your partner has an accent. Friends are especially supportive. They're thankful for all the help you've given. Now you have a chance to embark on a dream romance, they'll urge you to grab it. Take their advice; you won't be sorry.

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There's never been a better time to establish financial security. Put a deposit on a home or car. Add money to a retirement account. Take out an insurance policy. If you lack funds to make the first payment, don't worry. A relative will help. Are you looking for a good job? You'll make a terrific impression on an interview. Be sure to emphasise your organisational skills. Your future boss wants someone who can multitask without getting flustered.

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Working with a demanding teacher will make you happy. You'll enjoy trying to exceed this instructor's expectations. Unlike most of your peers, you're willing to dig deep to find elusive answers. If this means spending long hours at the library, so be it. A fellow student who admires your diligence could develop a crush on you. If you're single, you should welcome this romance with open arms. Do you have a partner? Be proud that you are still attracting admirers.

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You could be paid handsomely for your creative abilities. Not only will you appreciate getting a hefty cheque, you'll also feel better by doing work you enjoy. Don't be surprised when a nagging health problem disappears after accepting this position. As a result, your love life will heat back up. This renewed desire for intimacy will strengthen a romantic relationship. If you're single, have fun playing the dating game. You could meet someone special at a work-related gathering.

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Fill your time with people and activities you love. Recently, you've been doing a lot of thankless jobs. Now you have a chance to do as you please. Whether this means restoring antiques or spending time with someone special, you should do it. Channelling your energy into a creative project will be especially rewarding. You could earn respect and recognition for an artistic enterprise. Selling your work for a handsome profit will be the answer to a prayer.

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A new living situation is on the way. You could move to a beautiful neighbourhood, welcome an addition to your household or mend fences with a relative. Whatever the changes ahead, they will be good for you. Be open to shaking things up. Landing a great job is part of the equation. Although you don't relish the prospect of keeping conventional hours, you'll enjoy earning a steady income. If you get an opportunity to learn a trade, grab it.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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This is a wonderful time to sign a contract or negotiate a deal. If you're not happy with the terms you are first offered, propose better ones. You have a lot more power than you realise. You'll get the best when you demand it. Powerful charisma is paving the way to romance. If you're already in a relationship, your partner will become much more attentive. Be open to their advances. Are you single? You could meet someone special at a restaurant, spa or luxury boutique.

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Making money by doing work you love is a real possibility. It's simply a matter of having faith in your creative abilities. Stop trying to model yourself after a person who has a conventional job. You'll fare much better with an unorthodox position. In your spare time, work on creating a comfortable home life. Having a quiet haven away from the pressure of public life is important. If you want a new place to live, look for a home surrounded by natural beauty.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Instead of telling yourself that someday you'll be able to travel to a dream destination, behave as if you're already going. Pack a bag, update your passport and create an itinerary. Going through the motions of taking a trip will attract those opportunities. Attending a festive gathering will be more fun than expected. Be sure to wear something special to this party; all eyes will be on you. There's a strong possibility you'll fall in love with someone who has a velvet voice.

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