
If you're looking for a job, explore opportunities at a place you once worked before. There could be something right up your alley. Granted, the pay won't be spectacular, but it will be steady. Any position you take will be temporary. Don't worry; you'll find a permanent position next month. Right now you've just got to focus on making ends meet. It may be necessary to correct a colleague's mistakes. Be as tactful as possible; nobody likes being corrected.

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This is a great time to return to a creative project you abandoned some time ago. You have a little more time on your hands, making it easy to put the finishing touches on this endeavour. Exercising your creativity gives you a sexy glow. Don't be surprised when admirers beat a path to your door. Someone from your past will try to reignite your passion. While the prospect of an affair is tempting, you really don't want to rekindle this particular relationship.

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You're starting to reconsider some of your core values. Just because your family taught you to think in certain ways doesn't mean these beliefs are valid. Now you're older and have more experience, you can develop your own moral code. Some of your relatives will be offended by your new direction, but don't get defensive. You have every right to forge your own life. Just because you reject certain values doesn't mean you're overhauling your entire social circle.

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Some appointments are made to be broken. You'll be forced to overhaul your schedule several times, and may even miss a meeting or two. It can't be helped; the stars are going haywire. Save yourself some aggravation by keeping your mobile charged at all times, and having everybody's numbers programmed in two separate places. That way, if your phone crashes, you'll be able to replace all the data you've lost. Don't mail anything valuable without insurance or tracking.

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It's time to streamline your resources; too much clutter makes it difficult to focus. Tackle your workspace first. Get rid of any material you haven't used in over a year. If you have to keep samples or documentation, keep them in a special storage file and stow it safely away. You may want to invest in some attractive boxes and bins. The fewer eyesores you have in your office, the more productive you will be. Surround yourself only with things that are useful, beautiful, or both.

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Softening your approach will make it easier to form alliances. You have a tendency to be critical, and even if your comments are valid, they can be experienced as hurtful. By tempering your comments with genuine praise, you'll become more successful. An unresolved personal matter needs to be cleared up before you make a presentation. Be the first to extend an olive branch. No one will think less of you for taking the first step towards a peaceful resolution.

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A growing dissatisfaction prompts you to make some critical changes. You're tired of the status quo, but are afraid of disrupting it. Everybody else is having a great time, and you don't want to spoil the fun. Fortunately, you don't need to make a big deal of your boredom. Just slip away quietly and take up an activity that gives you pleasure. Planning a garden or lavish menu will be a good use of your creative talent. This should be a solo effort.

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You've been very impressionable lately, and are anxious to strike out on your own. Spending all of your time with friends has been wearing on your individuality. You should assert yourself in some bold way. Don't talk about your plans with loved ones; they'll just try to discourage your ideas. Just get started on a writing or research project that has been weighing on your mind. It doesn't have to be commercially viable. It just has to engage your imagination and soothe your soul.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You'll have to reverse some decisions, which is embarrassing. Ultimately, it's more important to do what is best for the group than maintain your pride. The surprising thing is how people will respect you more for changing your mind. It takes guts to admit you are wrong. An authority figure will go back on their promise. This will be devastating. Give yourself a chance to sneak off to some private hideaway and get your act together again.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You must reconsider how much importance you're putting on spirituality. While it's always admirable to pursue the larger questions in life, the physical plane is equally important. Attending to your sexual needs will be very gratifying. If you have a partner, engage in frequent lovemaking. Satisfy your desires, even if they seem a little strange. Articulate your needs; your lover will be happy to oblige you. Are you single? Spend more time engaging your five senses.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Lately, you've felt drained of energy. It's time to consider how you can change your routine so you'll have more time for rest and relaxation. Restorative activities like sketching, painting, and reading need to be incorporated into your daily routine. You'd also be wise to spend more time out of doors. Some people will feel alienated by your new lifestyle, but eventually, they'll accept these changes. You're not trying to drive others away; you're just making solitude a greater priority.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A strained relationship can be repaired provided you're willing to listen. Cast aside all of your assumptions and ask your friend what is wrong, and what you can do to remedy the situation. At first, their observations and suggestions will seem absurd. Before lashing out at these remarks, sit with them quietly. Consider whether you have been contributing to the problem, even if your motives have been pure. A little compromise will go a long way. What's more important: being happy or being right?

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