
After one or two difficulties, a new project is ready for take off. Although your involvement is behind the scenes you will enjoy being in on the launch. A job you were worried about goes without a hitch and this puts you in a good mood for the rest of the day. Your cheerfulness reflects on those around you, generating a happy and harmonious atmosphere.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Listen to a friend when they suggest you change your usual way of doing things; this could be quite rewarding. You might wonder what your boss or someone in a position of power might say about you using your initiative. In some areas, there is no need to ask for other people's permission. The chance to demonstrate a talent could arise and your obvious ability stands you in good stead.

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Today you won't have to make huge exertions to accomplish your goals. You may have already invested a lot of time and effort in a special venture and now you are starting to see results. A desire to be with gregarious people is strong and you might seek out some of your more extrovert friends later in the day. This might not please a loved one who was planning a more quiet evening!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You need to consider new developments in a close relationship carefully. You might find yourself at a crossroads and the choice is: do you put another person's needs first or do you follow your own inclinations for a change? Travel is a strong possibility but this might take you away from everything familiar. Some sacrifices won't be easy but these are necessary to realise your own desires.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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A female or gay colleague has the answer to a problem that has hung over you for some time. There is no need to concentrate your energies on finding the right kind of support because you realise the person you have needed has been near you all along. You haven't been giving someone credit for their abilities in certain directions. Seek the company of those who understand your feelings and you won't go far wrong!

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Trying to please other people over the past few days might have taxed your energies more than you've realised. If you feel a need to retreat into your shell, even if only for a few hours, give in to this inclination. This is all it will take to recharge your batteries. You may have to persuade a loved one to think before making an unnecessary purchase at the end of the day.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You feel slightly unsettled because of some gossip that is going around. If this gives a hint of forthcoming changes and you don't like the idea, try not to get too worried. There is every chance the rumours will not have much foundation. Any changes that do occur are unlikely to affect you in any way. Find ways to relax this evening and allow the tension of the day to drain away.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A romantic issue is on your mind and this could be to the detriment of your work. How can you concentrate when a recent conversation or forthcoming event is in your thoughts, affecting your feelings and attentiveness? It might be time to introduce a new lover to the family or to allow your friends to meet your partner. There's something bothering you in the back of your mind but you aren't ready yet to face up to this.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You might be seeking more freedom in a close relationship; someone close thinks they can rule your life. A need for independence cannot be ignored even though you know this will upset a hypersensitive friend or loved one. You must do your best to make it easy for others but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. It is time now to encourage a loved one to stand on their own two feet.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A delicate situation could be aggravated when you discover someone has not been honest with you. A friend or loved one may behave selfishly and they will refuse to see a situation through anyone's eyes but their own. If you notice someone isn't being fair when making decisions involving others, you won't hesitate to stand up for the underdog. Your clear thinking helps you resolve problems other people are ignoring.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Decisions you are making today are likely to affect someone else's life as well as your own. For this reason you must take your time to make up your mind. If you find yourself in a position of influence, choose your words carefully. You can be persuasive but making someone change their mind to go along with your ideas could be the wrong move for them. Think about what you are doing.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A recent achievement puts you in the public eye; people are keen to know your views and opinions. Someone might want to interview you or meet up with you to discuss plans for the future. As well as the pleasure you get out of the situation, you have it within you to help a close friend realise a special aim. You can trust everyone you are dealing with today.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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