
You have an intriguing choice on the relationship front. Instead of pursuing someone who is all style and no substance, opt for the intellectually stimulating romantic interest. You always have something interesting to discuss. This individual challenges you to explore options you would ordinarily dismiss. They'll also urge you to develop a hidden talent. Do you already have a partner? Assume more of the household responsibilities so they can pursue a course of study. Remember, you are in this together.

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A teacher is eager to pass on their knowledge to you. Don't miss this golden opportunity. Studying with this expert will be challenging. You'll be asked to put your assumptions aside to learn a new way of doing things. Try not to be stubborn. The more open minded you are, the easier it will be to master these lessons. Learning how to paint, play music or make clothes will change the way you approach problems. Suddenly, it will be easier to develop brilliant solutions to stubborn problems.

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Your achievements have made you justifiably proud. Use a recent accomplishment as a springboard to a dream. If you've always wanted to own a home, start looking for a place. You could find a beautiful property with gorgeous landscaping. Being surrounded by greenery will uplift and inspire you. Don't be surprised if you develop a passion for gardening once you move in. Learning to make plants grow and thrive will give you a new lease on life.

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Tap into your creative potential. A writing project can give you great pleasure. You have a gift with words that is captivating. When friends and family complain about neglect, maintain perspective. You have a tendency to coddle your loved ones. Encourage them to become more self reliant. This will allow you to spend more time on personal pursuits. If you continue to suppress your artistic impulses for the sake of others, you'll be miserable. Strike a healthier balance.

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You are starting to perceive new moneymaking opportunities. Whether this means changing jobs, launching a business or making an investment is immaterial. The important thing is to trust your instincts. You have a deep love of luxury that won't be denied. Trying to live on a small budget will make you irritable. When additional income comes pouring in, be responsible. Treat yourself to things that will offer long term pleasure. Put the rest of your money in a pension plan for times to come.

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You have an opportunity to take control of your destiny. If you haven't been happy with the way your personal life has been going, make a change. Get a makeover, splash out on new clothes or move to a new neighbourhood. Change the way you appear. Assume a different role. Surround yourself with different people. You are a very considerate person, but when you lose sight of your own goals, it's important to make an adjustment. Forget about everyone else and focus on what you want.

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You're surrounded by good energy but you must go out and find it. Don't be bashful about asking for help. You're not especially energetic. Getting assistance will allow you to coast after a prolonged period of frenzied activity. Fortunately, friends, relatives and colleagues will be willing to rally around you. Leaning on them will be a welcome relief. You have more choices than you realise. Instead of springing into action, carefully weigh up your options.

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Deliver some painful truths to a friend who has been struggling. You've never been the type to mince words. If you see someone doing damage to themselves with drugs, an extramarital affair or delusional behaviour, say something. Your loved one won't react well to your reality check, so prepare for rejection. After a prolonged silence, you'll get a call asking for forgiveness. As far as you're concerned, there's nothing to forgive. You'll just be relieved that your words hit their mark.

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You have the potential to accomplish great things. Take a professional risk. Challenging an authority figure, applying for a high profile position or running for political office could pay off handsomely. You'll never know unless you try. People admire the way you inspire others with lofty ideas, but back up these goals with hard work. This willingness to put your money where your mouth is an asset. Why should you stay in a dead end position when so many golden opportunities surround you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your hard work has paid off. Going on an extended break will allow you to take stock of all you've accomplished. It's impressive how much you've changed for the sake of growth. You're someone who has always embraced routine. Knowing what is coming quells your anxiety. Recently, you were willing to try something new for the sake of personal and professional advancement. This willingness to be uncomfortable has resulted in tremendous success.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There is great spiritual, emotional and physical strength surrounding you. Tap into it to make a personal transformation. If you don't like the way someone is treating you, break off the relationship. There are bigger and better opportunities ahead. Letting an opportunist drag you down would be a waste. This manipulator will beg for a second chance. Don't take the bait. You have a chance to establish long term financial security. There's no reason you should share the spoils with anyone.

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You will get drawn into an exciting contest. Don't be afraid to put your talent on display. As a general rule, you're a humble person who doesn't like to brag about your accomplishments. This situation will allow you to showcase your abilities in a way that isn't offensive. Don't be surprised when you emerge as the frontrunner. People are receptive to your particular style. If you win a prize, put the money towards a short trip you've been longing to take.

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