
An oppressive work load must be addressed. Schedule a talk with your supervisor. Explain how this situation is affecting both your productivity and health. If you aren't given additional help, start looking elsewhere for a job. When the demands on you are reasonable, you perform extremely well. It will also be easy to get a series of promotions. Your leadership ability is obvious to everyone. Find an employer that will appreciate, encourage and nurture your talent. It's a matter of being diligent and optimistic.

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Legal difficulties are weighing on your mind. Instead of obsessing over this matter, acknowledge you have no control over it. This will allow you to live in the moment, enjoying the many blessings you enjoy. It will also become possible to attract extraordinary luck. The Universe delivers good fortune to those who show faith in its bounty. Whatever the outcome of this situation, you should assume it will work to your advantage. Even the most disappointing outcomes bring opportunities.

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Although you're not happy with your current situation, you're afraid of it changing. Rather than trying to maintain the status quo, throw caution to the wind. Embarking in a new direction will be scary but exhilarating. Be open to working with a group of unusual people. At first, their methods will seem downright daft. Put your judgment aside and follow their lead. You'll be delightfully surprised by the breakthroughs that occur. Trade scepticism for wonder; it's the most empowering change you'll ever experience.

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An apology could fall flat. Instead of getting defensive, remain open. People who don't believe your sincerity will explain why your remarks are hurtful. After listening attentively, the truth of the situation will sink in. At that point, real progress can occur. Don't beat yourself up for missing the target on the first try. You're only human. By acknowledging your flawed nature, you'll be able to blossom and grow. There doesn't have to be any shame involved with this learning curve.

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It may be hard to find the job you want. This may be a sign that you should broaden your vision. Being more open to working in different fields will dramatically improve your work prospects. Although you won't get a position in your desired field, you may discover that another industry is much more enjoyable. Adopting a more flexible attitude will also make you feel better. A chronic ache or pain will subside as soon as you adopt a more experimental approach to life.

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You're using responsibility as an excuse to never have fun. It's time to change your priorities. Rearranging your busy schedule to include some enjoyable activities. Reading for pleasure, communing with nature and spending quality time with your pets are vital to your happiness. If this means neglecting the laundry or ordering some takeout food, so be it. The more you cater to your spontaneous side, the happier you will be. At that point, your duties won't seem nearly as odious.

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Beating yourself up is a waste of valuable energy. Every time you feel compelled to be self-critical, you are shutting yourself off from opportunity. You're an extremely intelligent, creative person. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. The most accomplished individuals adopt an experimental approach to life. They often make many errors before hitting upon the winning formula. The difference is, they don't go into a shame spiral every time they fall short of their goals. Treat your missteps as learning opportunities.

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If you experience technical difficulties or travel delays, take a deep breath. Instead of trying to follow through with your original plan, be willing to take a detour. If this means chatting with a repair person or listening to an audiobook, so be it. Changing direction is one of the best ways to acquire new information. Once everything is back to normal, you'll feel refreshed and energised. In a few days, you'll look at this experience as one of the high points of the week.

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There are worse things than financial limitation. Living within your means is a valuable lesson. It can help you make more mindful purchases, improve your relationship to work and make you more appreciative of other people's contributions. Whenever you catch yourself yearning for creature comforts, sort through your possessions. You'll soon find a forgotten object that fills you with pleasure. At that point, you'll attract the prosperity you desire. Contentment is a powerful magnet for abundance; yearning drives it away.

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A lack of self-confidence is affecting your personal relationships. Instead of believing you are unworthy of love and affection, treat yourself like a precious object. This will cause others to follow your lead. It will also boost your self-esteem. Instead of looking to others to make you complete, you'll embrace yourself, flaws and all. Doors will open and successes will mount. Best of all, supportive people will be drawn to you like a magnet. Self-loathing will fall by the wayside, only to be replaced with contentment.

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Don't be your own worst enemy. Entertaining fears is a waste of valuable energy. Instead of assuming everything will go wrong, act like your success is guaranteed. This will turn the tide in your favour. Whenever you catch yourself engaging in self-criticism, stop. Replace these thoughts with gentle encouragement. It will be much easier to summon the energy to move forward when you feel loved and supported. The same principle holds true for all your relationships. When you shower people with love, you pave the way to progress.

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Beware of asking well connected friends for favours. They will feel like they're only in your life to be of service to you. When you have a job to perform, go through the traditional channels. Be kind and courteous to everyone you encounter. Trying to skip steps will deprive you of a valuable experience. If you feel like an office or service is flawed, write a polite letter to the people in charge. You'll be taken seriously if you convey concern instead of anger.

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