
Entering a competition makes you excited about the future. You're secure in your talent, knowing your advanced skills and extensive experience put you ahead of the pack. It will be easy to outperform most of your rivals, but one or two may be more challenging than you expected. You'll have to dig deep to outperform these gifted individuals. Don't take anything for granted. Practice as much as possible and be ready to improvise with different supplies than you are used to using.

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Coming to someone's rescue appeals to your loving side. You've always been good at taking care of people in need. Make sure your good deed doesn't put you in financial jeopardy. It's one thing to run errands or cook meals for someone; it's another to empty your savings account. If you have an elderly or disabled relative, look into government programs designed to assist people in their situation. The paperwork will be extensive, but getting essential costs covered will be worth the trouble.

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Breaking away from the pack will win the admiration of someone who is much older or younger. When you don't worry what others think, you attract fellow rebels. Teaming up with someone who has a different generational outlook will be instructive. Your partner will point out possibilities you wouldn't have noticed. Make it clear who does what in this relationship. Stepping on each other's toes wastes valuable time. You should focus on small details, while your partner deals with the big picture.

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Creating firm foundations for your family is your first priority. Landing a steady job will allow you to regularly put money from your pay into a retirement or savings account. Slowly but surely, your nest egg will build to impressive proportions. This fund will allow you to buy a home, retire early or cover tuition. If you're in a relationship with a spendthrift, it would be wise to keep this money secret. That way, you won't be pressured into spending it on incidental expenses.

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You're starting to feel hemmed in by responsibility. Taking a long distance trip will make you feel much better. It will be difficult to get time off work, but persist. Refusing to back down will prompt your employer to make special arrangements for your absence. After all, you're one of the most talented people in the company. It's not as if you can be replaced. If you're out of work, take a holiday anyway. A chance of scenery will give you a brilliant idea for generating income.

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A passionate encounter makes you feel better about the choices you've made. As long as you have love in your life, you can handle any challenge. If you're single, beware of falling for a charismatic charmer who is all style and no substance. Flashy clothes and a pretty face are all well and good, but they won't sustain you during times of trial. You'll meet a partner who is worthy of you in a house of worship, classroom or book club.

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Working with a partner will clarify your objectives. You've been blessed with so many talents that it can be hard to know which ones to develop. Pursuing a career in the arts may not be lucrative at first, but it will give you plenty of quiet satisfaction. Be willing to work hard and pay your dues in the beginning. Slowly but surely, word will spread of your gifts and you'll be given bigger and better assignments. Your business contacts will put your work in front of the right people.

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Work prospects are starting to improve, relieving some financial stress. Take this opportunity to splash out on some luxuries you haven't been able to afford. This reward will give your spirits a much needed lift. If someone dares criticise your extravagance, turn a deaf ear. They don't understand the trials you've undergone to get to this place. Fortunately, you'll be able to repay a loan faster than expected. Square your shoulders and continue to do the best job you possibly can.

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Your love life is a welcome distraction from personal responsibility. Let your amour take you away on a relaxing trip. Don't worry about money; your partner will cover the expenses. Getting a change of scenery will remind you how important it is to put your needs first. If you wait on others while neglecting yourself, bitterness and resentment will set in. Take your cues from someone who seems content, regardless of their circumstances. Being happy might be just a matter of looking after yourself.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Spending time at home gives you a reassuring sense of security. Your nearest and dearest understand and appreciate you, even if colleagues don't. You've always been a perfectionist. This can rub mediocre types the wrong way. They resent you outperforming them all the time. Instead of lowering your standards, you simply work harder. You have no intention of leading an ordinary life. Reaching the pinnacle of success requires a thick skin. Lean on relatives and friends for support.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Joining a club or society is a great way to meet new people. You'll feel a kinship with someone who has an unusual background. Their unique outlook is refreshing to a visionary like you. A rival who is threatened by your different way of doing things will try to cause trouble for you both. By forming a united front, you'll force them to back down and eat their words. Together, you will produce impressive work that attracts favourable publicity.

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A sudden moneymaking opportunity is worth accepting. Not only will you benefit from the extra money, but you'll gain valuable professional experience as well. Friends won't approve of this move, accusing you of selling out. They don't realise you are not abandoning your creative dreams; you are simply trying to get some financial security. When you have money in the bank, it will be easier to take risks. You're tired of lying awake at night, worrying about paying the bills.

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