
Keep all dealings simple and straightforward today. All aspects of life should be approached in a strictly down to earth fashion. Once you allow emotions, whims or fantasies to get in the way, you might find it hard to distinguish realism from romanticism! If you're looking for something unusual to do this evening, consider any off beat suggestions made by friends.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Taking an independent stand when plans of a long term nature come under discussion is no bad thing. After hearing what other people are thinking about and knowing their ideas are not for you, you start to see your way ahead more clearly. If others insist on going ahead with their plans, you may have no option but to pull out of a group involvement.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Avoid getting into serious discussions about sex, romance or finance. If anyone approaches you for advice about any or all of these subjects you would do better to keep your lips tightly sealed. Even if your ideas are enthusiastically received today, one or two comments could be held against you in the future. If you're handling money for a fund raising campaign be sure you have a witness to everything that occurs.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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A partner's demands are putting you under a degree of pressure. Either you are expecting too much from yourself or someone else is demanding too much of you. Emotions are high and you might misread someone's words or actions, you're seeing more behind these than is actually there. At times you don't know whether you're on your head or your heels. You could do with a good night's rest, don't you think?

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Try not to worry about upsetting people with your comments if you feel what you say is justified. If this is connected in any way to your work situation, this advice is even more appropriate. Once other people realise you know what you are talking about, they will be grateful for your recommendations. Prove you are willing to help others in any way and any opposition previously shown will evaporate.

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You want to devote your time today to catching up on jobs that were pushed aside lately for one reason or another. Even so, your everyday chores aren't the only thing in need of attention. There is someone in your world who is feeling a little lost or lonely. This may be your partner, a child, a new neighbour or even the family pet! Spend some quality time with someone you love this evening.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A housemate or someone in the family is feeling a little lonely, misunderstood or neglected. If you're closely linked to another, you shouldn't give them any cause to feel they aren't special to you. If it seems to them your friends and outside activities are more important than their happiness, they could start looking for someone else to spend their time with.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Maybe you won't be happy about it but you could be dragged into a community project which hasn't been going too smoothly. So far you might get the impression there has been a lot of fancy talk but no one is prepared to take any action. Even though you could do without the added responsibility, people are relying on you for your help and support. You just haven't the heart to let them down!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Friends want your company even if you'd hoped to tackle some private matters today. This could be a busy and productive time but you can't help resenting the way people seem to expect you to always come to their rescue when they get in difficulties. You will arrive at bedtime feeling exhausted but there's also a feeling of satisfaction that surpasses any earlier bitterness.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Stop worrying about business matters, friendship concerns and money muddles. Today, make it your intention to push all your cares and woes to one side and relax. A friend or relative who lives some distance from you might get in touch needing some reassurance. In providing this, your mind is taken off your own concerns. You realise there is someone with problems greater than yours!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There is plenty you could do today if you felt so inclined but you don't! You would rather give some jobs a miss or better still leave them for someone else to do. You're more inclined to dream the day away than do anything resembling work. You might envisage pleasant situations in which you see yourself in the future and only time will tell whether you will put any of these plans into action.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If wishful thinking gets the better of commonsense, you could make decisions you will eventually regret. You have plenty to look forward to now but you must be practical in the choices you are making. You will be seeking to gain inner peace of mind rather than constantly searching out new experiences. In romance, curb your vivid imagination and keep both feet fixed firmly on the ground.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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