
A partner's attentions feel claustrophobic. Ask for a greater measure of independence. This will cause a fight, but it's probably good to air your resentments. You're not the type who wants to be joined at the hip to anyone. You're capable of tremendous love and loyalty, but you're always afraid of losing yourself in partnerships. Take this opportunity to go after a raise or promotion. This high profile position will make your life feel more balanced and nuanced.

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You're tired of waiting hand and foot on an ungrateful colleague. It's time to draw some healthy boundaries so you won't feel as if you're at their beck and call. Some people are grateful for help; others will take unfair advantage of it. You're dealing with an ingrate. The sooner you take steps to cut the cord, the better you will feel. Don't worry; nobody will think you are neglecting your duties. If you keep working at this level of intensity, you'll become ill.

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It's time to put away childish things and assume more adult responsibility. Recently, you've had lots of fun, but you haven't been pulling your weight. Now a loved one is short of resources. Pooling your income will not only help your friend, it will also cement your relationship. You may have to take a job that is sheer drudgery, but try not to complain. It's sometimes necessary to perform unpleasant tasks for the sake of something greater, like love.

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Your family isn't being terribly supportive, which really hurts. In the past, you were always the one to champion dreams or avert disaster. Now you are asking for the same courtesy, but it isn't being returned. You've learned a valuable lesson. In the future, don't be so quick to lend assistance to your relatives. Let them stand on their own and see how it feels. Meanwhile, turn to a loving friend for the encouragement you need. They'll be happy to help.

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You're getting mixed signals from a colleague. There's no point in bending over backwards for them, because ultimately, you can never please them. Focus on satisfying yourself; yours is the only opinion that matters. Resist the urge to vent your frustrations throughout the office. Everyone has had the same experience with this taskmaster. Your boss knows the real score, and will reward you for your hard work and consistency sooner than you think.

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It's time to clear the clutter from your living and work spaces. Holding on to things out of sentimentality or fear is taking a toll on your health. If you have a hard time separating the wheat from the chaff, enlist the aid of a ruthless Capricorn. Together, you'll get rid of boxes and boxes of things you no longer want or need. Get rid of anything that isn't useful or beautiful. Any possessions you haven't used in over a year should be sold or donated to charity.

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The last thing you want to do is take care of somebody else. You have enough trouble taking care of yourself! When a loved one asks for a favour, you'll bristle with resentment. Before you lash out, consider why you are really angry. Maybe the real problem is you've been neglecting your needs. Take time out of your busy schedule to paint, play music, or design some clothes. Do whatever it takes to feed your inner artist. You're not the type who thrives on drudgery.

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You feel unfairly judged by a neighbour or relative. It's so tiresome trying to explain your actions to people who have no compassion. The next time you are told to defend yourself, refuse. Those who truly love you trust your instincts. Those who don't will never understand why you live with such intensity. You aren't crazy; you're just intent on enjoying yourself to the fullest. The prospect of leading an ordinary existence chills you to the bone.

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A friendship is falling by the wayside, which fills you with despair. You value relationships more than money. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do to salvage the situation. The two of you are going in separate directions. While you're willing to overlook these differences, your loved one insists on making a fresh start. It will be impossible to change their mind. The best thing you can do is make a dignified retreat and channel your energy into more secure friendships.

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You're incredibly moody and the slightest annoyance makes you shake with rage. Unless you get some perspective, you'll risk making an embarrassing scene. Take a few moments to count your blessings. Consider how you're much more prosperous than the great majority of people in the world. Make a list of three small things you can do to make the world a better place. By taking control of your destiny, you won't feel victimised anymore.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An unforeseen emergency forces you to scale back your plans. It's an infuriating situation, but you won't be able to remedy the situation. The best you can do is look for a new opportunity within your current circumstance. Working alone on a creative project can offer you some peace of mind. It's a relief to escape the notice of petty critics. Don't show your work to anyone until you're thoroughly satisfied with it. Fledgling efforts need space and air to grow.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't make the mistake of confusing love and sex. Jumping into bed with somebody doesn't necessary signal an emotional commitment. If you want to embark on a serious romance, you have to make your desires known. It's possible the object of your affection doesn't want to get involved. Hold out for somebody who shares your need for a deep, meaningful relationship. You can't afford to risk your heart on somebody who is just going to use it as a toy.

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