
You're a little worried about your financial situation, but take heart. The only way you can lose money is by refusing to take a practical stance toward it. Get-rich-quick-schemes will drain you of both resources and confidence. Choose safer avenues for investment like property or banking. If you play your cards right, you could finally afford that dream house that has been occupying your thoughts since June.

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People are responsive to your ideas, which is gratifying and flattering. Before you sail off on a cloud of bliss, consider how you can channel these concepts into a profitable business. You've always had the makings of a successful entrepreneur. Providing luxury services to wealthy clientele will put serious amounts of cash into your pocket. Wouldn't it be nice to have the security you've wanted since childhood?

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Keeping a low profile is advised, since certain plans are still in the infancy stages. You wouldn't want to expose yourself to ridicule by a respected member of your desired industry. If you don't have the money to finance a project, approach a lending institution. There's a good chance you could get a low-interest loan. Alternately, a wealthy woman who believes in you could get you started with some seed money to plant. Just ask!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Although you've suffered from loneliness in the past, you'll feel the support of friends today. Forging a strong business partnership will allow you to do work that is spiritually meaningful for you. Don't bury your head in the sand with regard to financial matters, though. The best way to ensure the success of this venture is to become educated about accounting practices. Sounds like a dull proposition, but it will pay off.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You're more popular than ever on the work front, but may need to work on a private relationship. Somebody who loves you very much may feel like they can't compete with your ever-growing fan club. Make an effort to spend more time together, just the two of you. By forgoing big parties in favour of a romantic retreat, you'll assure your amour where your loyalty really lies. Besides, snuggling is more satisfying than socialising.

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Devoting your energies to spiritually satisfying activities helps you put problems into perspective. Although you enjoy being of service to others, you don't like being treated like a doormat. Finding a way to stand up to a person who has taken advantage of your good nature is essential. Nobody has the right to make you feel inferior, even if you aren't at the top of the totem pole. Never fear; your peers will support you.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You simply ooze sex appeal from every pore, making you a sought-out figure. Unfortunately, the person you want to attract most may seem immune to your charms. Perhaps it's because you're not showing how intelligent you really are. Some people assume that if you have beauty, you must be lacking in the brains department. Take this opportunity to prove you've got both. That shouldn't be too difficult for a clever creature like you!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You're on the same wavelength as a close associate, which comes as a relief. Don't expect to get the same sympathy at home, however. Somebody who has been nurturing unrealistic fantasies of family life could have a sudden outburst. Resist the urge to make fun of their attitude, even if it is a bit silly. After all, you've had similar longings about other areas of life. It's never nice to have your hopes mocked.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your health is starting to pick up, but that doesn't mean you should fill your schedule to the breaking point. You've still got to work at a reduced capacity if your progress is going to continue. It's good so many friends want to see you, but they'll have to wait. Go slow during the day and get to bed early. This is difficult advice for an active person like you to follow, but try.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's intensely satisfying to abandon yourself to pleasure after having worked so hard. Granted, you may not have the money to spend on a luxury break, but that shouldn't stop you from having fun. Cosy activities like baking treats or playing games will satisfy children just as much as an expensive outing. Don't be surprised if your significant other is a bit jealous of the time you spend with your young friends.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Surrounding yourself with family helps you withstand any self-doubt you may be suffering. Normally, you don't care what others think of your efforts, but today is a little different. That's because you're involved with work that fills you with drive and determination. If your efforts aren't well received, it will seem like a personal rejection. Whenever you feel a twinge of fear, think back on a sincere compliment that was given by a loved one.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Keeping busy makes you feel good, but try to steer clear of chores that have feelings of guilt attached. You may want to reassess why you are performing these duties at all. Yes, it's important to be kind to others, but there's a limit to how much you can do. Perhaps you can divide these responsibilities with somebody else, or hire an agency to relieve you of some of the work. Give yourself a break.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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