
It will be difficult to get the career recognition you deserve. An executive who is threatened by you will take credit for your contributions. This situation doesn't offer any opportunities for growth. Look for another position that is commensurate with your experience. Your best friend or romantic partner will advise against this move, but they don't understand. You deserve to work for a company that acknowledges, embraces and supports your talent. Failing that; go into business for yourself.

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Someone in the past may have warped your relationship to sensuality or spirituality. Release their hold over you. Now you're older, you have an opportunity to form your own beliefs. Instead of turning your back on intimacy or a higher power, reflect on what you need from life. It's possible to formulate your own ideas about these issues. Studying more tolerant philosophies can also be helpful. Just because someone is held in high regard does not mean they have the answers.

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Arguments over money hint at deeper power struggles. It's time to examine why you and a loved one have so much difficulty compromising. One of you may feel superior to the other. This can create a lot of anger and resentment. Instead of claiming there is a right and wrong way to handle money, find a middle ground. This may require you to have three bank accounts: Yours, mine and ours. Maintaining separate credit cards can also be helpful. Use the group fund for shared expenses.

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You deeply resent someone who has been ignoring your needs for the sake of their own agenda. It's time to issue an ultimatum. Unless this bully changes their ways, you have no reason to maintain this relationship. Fortunately, you're self sufficient. You have the power not only to survive on your own, but to thrive. Going solo may be the best thing you've done in a long while. You're about to discover some hidden talents. Keep pushing yourself and accepting new challenges.

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Working around the clock will take a toll on your health. Slow down and relax, even if it means missing a few deadlines. If you explain the situation to your employer and clients, you'll avoid trouble. Problems will arise when you cease to communicate. There's nothing wrong with admitting you need a break. Other arrangements can be made to cover your responsibilities while you rest and recuperate. In the unlikely event you are fired, you can always find a better job. Stay positive.

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A youngster in difficulties needs compassion. Resist the urge to express your frustrations. Instead, work on developing solutions to their problems. Think back to a time when an adult stepped forward to help you. How did they make it possible for you to maintain your dignity? Use the same approach in this situation. If you don't have the money for an expensive school or extra-curricular activity, stay calm. There are other ways to offer support and guidance. Money doesn't solve everything.

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Family ties feel constricting. You're tired of trying to make relatives happy. If you have an important choice to make, listen to your heart. Going in an unconventional direction will upset pessimists. They'll claim you are doomed to fail. Do not listen to their dire predictions. You're the only one who can undermine your chances for success. Staying in a conventional job or pursuing a traditional relationship may not work for you. There's no reason to apologise for being different.

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Resist the temptation to heap scorn on someone who has done something silly. They feel bad enough already. Maintaining a tactful silence is all that's necessary to communicate your displeasure. Now you realise how irresponsible this individual can be, it's best to keep them at arm's distance. Don't entrust them with time sensitive responsibilities and never give them financial control. If they seem upset by your lack of trust, remain calm. Given their past behaviour, you shouldn't have to be defensive.

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A financial shortage is putting a crimp in your social life. Going to expensive bars, clubs and restaurants isn't an option for you. Be honest about your situation. People who really care about you will be happy to spend time on inexpensive pursuits. Those who are status oriented will fall by the wayside. Maintaining relationships with shallow individuals isn't healthy. You don't want to be around opportunists when your economic fortunes improve. Treat this as an opportunity to identify the quality people in your life.

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Putting pressure on someone will only antagonise them. You're tired of waiting for them to make an important decision. Their reluctance to move forward should speak volumes. Instead of remaining in their orbit, look for a better employment situation. Working for an employer that admires and respects your abilities will be liberating. In the meantime, try keeping your temper under control. Throwing tantrums will only undermine your professional reputation.

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You feel isolated from the group, which is difficult. Differences in background are driving a wedge between you and your peers. Instead of trying to force friendships, go your own way. Eventually, a few people will become interested in your progress and ask questions. At that point, you can forge a relationship. Until then, pamper yourself. Resist the temptation to beat yourself up when you make mistakes. It isn't easy to be alone. You have to be your own support system.

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Secrets from your past will come to the surface. This causes problems with several friends. People who feel deceived may choose to break off ties. Try not to be upset. Other, more open minded individuals will remain loyal. Try to live up to their faith in you. It's possible you felt pressured to cover up mistakes as a means to make a fresh start. While this impulse is understandable, it is bound to cause trouble with anyone who discovers the truth.

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