
Ideas for self promotion are coming fast and furious, but you may lack funds to realise these plans. Instead of throwing in the towel, turn to a romantic partner or business associate for help. This person may be able to fund your project, or find financing from another source. Relinquish your independent ways and use teamwork to overcome this obstacle. Otherwise, you will be forced to tread water when you could be crossing the English Channel.

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Beware of putting too much emphasis on people's looks, as appearances can be deceiving. Rely on your intuition when forming work alliances. A colleague who seems lazy and light-hearted may be a powerful creative force. By teaming up with this person, you can develop a valuable product or impressive idea that will boost your bank balance. If you're not employed, let an expert teach you a trade or craft.

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Getting involved with a support group allows you to discuss your feelings without fear of reprisal. You may feel as though your loved ones will reject you when they realise how scared or insecure you really are. As soon as you find an arena where you can drop your confident mask, you'll be able to relax and have fun. Don't be surprised if you experience a huge creative surge once you open up.

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Forging a new career path takes time, preparation and patience. Fortunately, you're willing to do whatever is necessary to get ahead. Friends may encourage you to stick to a familiar arrangement, fearing what will happen if you take a risk. What your loved ones don't realise is that you have all the intelligence and resilience necessary to achieve greatness. Be your own cheerleader. Reciting positive affirmations in the mirror could help.

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Exposing yourself to a new environment can be refreshing and invigorating. Although you draw strength from familiar surroundings, it's important to challenge yourself from time to time. This is especially true if you're not getting the recognition you deserve, particularly on the career front. You possess tremendous artistic ability, but it may be able to fulfil your potential if you remain stuck in a particular pigeon hole. Check out some books on cultivating creativity.

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If you're not able to finance a luxury holiday or art class, stay positive. A friend, teacher or neighbour may be able to help finance your dream. Be open to visit a destination that may not be your first choice. Apply to a variety of learning institutions. Casting a wide net will increase your chances for success. It's all about thinking outside of the box today. Don't set your mind on any one plan.

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Two heads are better than one, especially as far as thinking, writing and public speaking are concerned. If you have to prepare a written statement or a speech, reach out to a dynamic friend who has a way with words. Your pal will give great advice on how to be entertaining and informative. It's possible that you won't get the support you want from a romantic partner or love interest. Don't let that deter you.

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Finding ways to improve your enjoyment of daily life is easier than you think. Begin by writing a list of one hundred things that give you joy. Once you've finished, devise a plan to enjoy these activities on a regular basis. Stop telling yourself that you're too busy to make time for fun. You will find opportunities if you really try. Don't be surprised if your love life heats up once you adjust your priorities.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Planning a party or social activity may take up most of your time today. Do your best to create a festive atmosphere with decorations, music and simple but elegant food. If you're not sure where to begin, contact someone whose taste you admire. This person can give you valuable tips on making this event a success. Don't feel the need to do all the work yourself. Enlist the aid of responsible friends to run errands.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You want to relax and laze around the house, but that may not be possible today. Kids may need your help with school projects, or your boss may want you to get a head start on a complicated project. Try not to dwell on what you could be doing if you had the freedom. Your duties will be a lot more pleasant once you roll up your sleeves and get busy. Stay in the moment.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A whirlwind of activity in your neighbourhood could disrupt your home life. Maybe there's a noisy construction project going on in your area. Perhaps you'll be entertaining some guests from out of town. It's even possible you may have to stay elsewhere so that repairs can be conducted in your own home. Try to make the best of this trying situation. Being forced to change your routine could lead to a pleasant discovery.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Exchanging unpleasant words with someone could put a damper on the entire day. Don't allow this person to have such control over your life. A teacher or mentor will be happy to lend their perspective on this matter. It's comforting to hear an outsider's opinion. You may be so inspired by these words of wisdom that you'll launch a creative project. Whenever you're inflicted with hostility, rely on your imagination to heal the wounds.

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