
You long to give children luxuries you didn't have when you were growing up. By handing them everything on a silver platter, you'll rob them of valuable life skills. Consider, too, how these young people will gain more satisfaction out of earning big purchases by performing chores and doing odd jobs. If you don't have any kids, it is time to move beyond problems that plagued you in the past. Forge a healthier future.

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You're so preoccupied with domestic problems it is hard to focus on career matters. Take care to avoid authority figures that will sense your mind isn't on work. Be careful about proposing new ideas, too, as there may be some sizable holes in them. If you're looking for a job, schedule interviews for another day. Ask a detail-oriented friend to proofread your CV for mistakes. It's easy to make errors now.

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Putting your faith in a person without asking to see their credentials is a mistake. Be sure to do some research into a health professional's background before undergoing any major procedures. Check to see if a carpenter or electrician is certified before taking them on for a job. Find out where a teacher went to school before agreeing to take their class. A little research goes a long way today.

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Be honest with yourself with regard to a loved one whose behaviour is suspicious. Instead of giving this person the benefit of the doubt, check up on their stories. If it turns out they've been deceiving you, don't listen to any of their excuses. Cut them out of your life and build a wall around your heart. You've got to protect yourself from further assaults. Don't give this person a chance to trick you again.

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People want to take advantage of your talents, but you're too smart for that. Refuse to lend your services without getting a written promise of payment. Be ready to tell family members you don't work for free. True, your firm stance won't win you many friends, but fair-minded people will respect your decision. There's a big difference between being generous and being a doormat. Set some firm personal boundaries.

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Being messy and disorganised won't absolve you of responsibility. If you're smothering under a mountain of clutter, ask friends for help. Offer them dinner or gift in exchange for a few hours of their time. Sorting out your work space may be time-consuming, but it's essential if you're going to fulfil some upcoming obligations. You'll feel much better both mentally and physically once you make order out of chaos.

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It seems like a friend is experiencing all kinds of dumb luck, but that's not the case. Your colleague has worked long and hard to get where they are. Instead of allowing yourself to be consumed by jealousy, make a plan for your own success. Don't set your sights on material goals; move towards spiritual ones instead. The abundance you've always wanted will arrive once you're doing the sort of work you truly enjoy.

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You don't entirely trust a relative right now, and with good reason. This person doesn't care about compromising your reputation, so long as they satisfy their own needs. It may be time to put this relationship on ice for the time being. If you suspect substance abuse or some other serious problem, offer to get help. Other than that, there is nothing you can do to make them see the error of their ways.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're easily misunderstood today, which is incredibly frustrating. Some may even accuse you of being dishonest. Instead of trying to prove your point, take up a course of study that has always appealed to you. This class will teach you strategies for getting your ideas across with a minimum of fuss. Take special notice a teacher who is able to command attention through gestures and the tone of their voice.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You've got a skewed picture of your friends' economic situation. These days, it seems like everybody is making a mint. That's because of a little thing called credit cards. Underneath all the glitz and glamour is a mountain of debt. Do yourself a favour and live within your limits, putting a set percentage of money into savings each week. Within a few years', you'll be prospering while the others are in foreclosure.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't fool yourself into thinking there is no way out of a flawed relationship. You've got to assume your own share of the responsibility before things get better. Ask yourself how you benefit from maintaining this tarnished union. Do you secretly feel superior when your partner messes up? Are you testing your mate by behaving badly? Be truthful about your motives and make the necessary changes so that you can both be happy.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you're interested in entering a new job field, you've got to get the proper training. Don't put off for tomorrow what can be accomplished today. Send away for a college application or sign up for a course of study right now. A small step like this will lead to great things. Understand that your dream career will never come to pass if you just sit around thinking about it. It's time to take action!

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